The current behavior is later. Flink gets time attribute column from source table, and tries to analyze and keep the time attribute column as much as possible, e.g. simple projection or filter which doesn't effect the column will keep the time attribute, window aggregate will generate its own time attribute if you select window_start or window_end. But you're right, sometimes framework will loose the information about time attribute column, and after that, some operations will throw exception.
Best, Kurt On Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 7:45 AM Jungtaek Lim <> wrote: > Hi devs, > > I'm interesting about the new change on FLIP-66 [1], because if I > understand correctly, Flink hasn't been having event-time timestamp field > (column) as a part of "normal" schema, and FLIP-66 tries to change it. > > That sounds as the column may be open for modification, like rename (alias) > or some other operations, or even be dropped via projection. Will such > operations affect event-time timestamp for the record? If you have an idea > about how Spark Structured Streaming works with watermark then you might > catch the point. > > Maybe the question could be reworded as, does the definition of event time > timestamp column on DDL only project to the source definition, or it will > carry over the entire query and let operator determine such column as > event-time timestamp. (SSS works as latter.) I think this is a huge > difference, as for me it's like stability vs flexibility, and there're > drawbacks on latter (there're also drawbacks on former as well, but > computed column may cover up). > > Thanks in advance! > Jungtaek Lim (HeartSaVioR) > > 1. > > >