Hi All,

I would like to bring back this discussion which I saw multiple times in
previous ML threads [1], but there seem to have no solution if
checkpointing is disabled.

All of these ML reported exceptions have one common pattern:

> *INFO* org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator  -
> Marking the coordinator kafka[xxx]:9092 (id: ??? rack: ???) dead for
> group consumergroup[xxx]
> *WARN* org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator  
> -Auto-commit
> of offsets {topic[xxx]=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=???,metadata=???''}}
> failed for group consumergroup[xxx]: Offset commit failed with a retriable
> exception. You should retry committing offsets. The underlying error was:
> The request timed out.

In most of the cases enabling *OffsetCommitMode.ON_CHECKPOINTS* fixes the
issue - Flink Kafka consumer will explicitly commit offset when
checkpointing and that goes down completely different code path comparing
with enabling Kafka consumer option *enable.auto.commit* and let Kafka
consumer handles it.

That brings me to the question:
- Is this feature (disabling checkpoint and restarting job from Kafka
committed GROUP_OFFSET) not supported?
- How does Flink-Kafka actually handles auto-commit to coordinator given
the fact that Flink ignores the coordinator assignments and uses
self-assigning partitions instead?

A bit of our observation:
We had conducted some experiments when option *enable.auto.commit* is set
to true, with Kafka 011 on both Flink 1.4 and 1.6, and observed that the
behavior is extremely weird after the above warning were seen:
- the task manager metrics
**.Source.KafkaConsumer.current-offsets.topic-[xxx]-partition-[yyy]* is
moving forward, tracking the latest Kafka broker offset - indicating that
the message consumption thread is executing without any issue.
- the task manager metrics
**.Source.KafkaConsumer.committed-offsets.topic-[xxx]-partition-[yyy]* is
stuck indefinitely - indicating that it has stopped talking to the

We would try to experiment this with Flink 1.10 later, but has anyone
experiencing similar issues with later Flink releases as well?



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