Hi Niels, Your observation is intended to happen under the community consensus. You can checkout this document page[1] for more information.
Basically it says The code contribution process has changed recently (June 2019). The community decided <https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/1e2b85d0095331606ad0411ca028f061382af08138776146589914f8@%3Cdev.flink.apache.org%3E> to shift the "backpressure" from pull requests to Jira, by requiring contributors to get consensus (indicated by being assigned to the ticket) before opening a pull request. And for your specific place, I will assign the issue to you. And feel free to post your requirement on dev mailing list if only you think it is deserved more attention :-) Best, tison. [1] https://flink.apache.org/contributing/contribute-code.html Niels Basjes <ni...@basjes.nl> 于2020年3月7日周六 上午3:07写道: > Hi, > > I've created some jira tickets and for some of them I've put up a merge > request. > > I noticed that the Flinkbot warns: > > This pull request references an unassigned Jira ticket > <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-14121>. According to the code > contribution guide > <https://flink.apache.org/contributing/contribute-code.html>, tickets need > to be assigned before starting with the implementation work. > > Sounds good to me. > However at this point I cannot assign these tickets to myself. > The strange thing is that I used to have that option in the past. > > I kindly request the privilege to assign tickets to myself if I choose to > pick them up. > > Jira userid: nielsbasjes > > -- > Best regards / Met vriendelijke groeten, > > Niels Basjes >