Great work! I could help to review and test.


Canbin Zheng <> 于2020年2月27日周四 下午4:24写道:

> Hi, everyone,
> I have pushed a PR <> for this
> issue, looking forward to your feedback.
> Cheers,
> Canbin Zheng
> Canbin Zheng <> 于2020年2月26日周三 上午10:39写道:
>> Thanks for the detailed PR advice, I would separate the commits as clear
>> as possible to help the code reviewing.
>> Cheers,
>> Canbin Zheng
>> tison <> 于2020年2月25日周二 下午10:11写道:
>>> Thanks for your clarification Yang! We're on the same page.
>>> Best,
>>> tison.
>>> Yang Wang <> 于2020年2月25日周二 下午10:07写道:
>>>> Hi tison,
>>>> I do not mean to keep two decorator at the same. Since the two
>>>> decorators are
>>>> not api compatible, it is meaningless. I am just thinking how
>>>> to organize the
>>>> commits/PRs to make the review easier. The reviewers may need some
>>>> context
>>>> to get the point.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Yang
>>>> tison <> 于2020年2月25日周二 下午8:23写道:
>>>>> The process in my mind is somehow like this commit[1] which belongs to
>>>>> this pr[2]
>>>>> that we firstly introduce the new implementation and then replace it
>>>>> with the original
>>>>> one. The difference is that these two versions of decorators are not
>>>>> api compatible
>>>>> while adding a switch for such an internal abstraction or extracting a
>>>>> clumsy
>>>>> "common" interface doesn't benefit.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> tison.
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> [2]
>>>>> tison <> 于2020年2月25日周二 下午8:08写道:
>>>>>> I agree for separating commits we can have multiple commits that
>>>>>> firstly add the new parameters
>>>>>> and decorators,  and later replace current decorators with new
>>>>>> decorators which are well
>>>>>> unit tested.
>>>>>> However, it makes no sense we have two codepaths from FlinkKubeClient
>>>>>> to decorators
>>>>>> since these two version of decorators are not api compatible and
>>>>>> there is no reason we keep both
>>>>>> of them.
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> tison.
>>>>>> Yang Wang <> 于2020年2月25日周二 下午7:50写道:
>>>>>>> I think if we could, splitting into as many PRs as possible is good.
>>>>>>> Maybe we could
>>>>>>> introduce the new designed decorators and parameter parser first,
>>>>>>> and leave the existing
>>>>>>> decorators as legacy. Once all the new decorators is ready and well
>>>>>>> tested, we could
>>>>>>> remove the legacy codes and use the new decorators in the kube
>>>>>>> client implementation.
>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>> Yang
>>>>>>> Canbin Zheng <> 于2020年2月25日周二 下午6:16写道:
>>>>>>>> Hi, Till,
>>>>>>>> Great thanks for your advice, I totally agree with you to split the
>>>>>>>> changes up in as many PRs as possible. The part of "Parameter Parser" 
>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>> trivial so that we prefer to make one PR to avoid adapting a lot of 
>>>>>>>> pieces
>>>>>>>> of code that would be deleted immediately with the following decorator
>>>>>>>> refactoring PR. Actually I won't insist on one PR, could it be possible
>>>>>>>> that I first try out with one PR and let the committers help assess 
>>>>>>>> whether
>>>>>>>> it is necessary to split the changes into several PRs?  Kindly expect 
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> see your reply.

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