Hi Canbing,

Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts to improve the Flink on K8s native
Frankly speaking, your discussion title confuses me and i am wondering
whether you
want to refactor the whole design. However, after i dive into the details
and the provided
document, i realize that mostly you want to improve the implementation.

Regarding your two main points.

>> Introduce a unified monadic-step based orchestrator architecture that
has a better,
cleaner and consistent abstraction for the Kubernetes resources
construction process,
both applicable to the client side and the master side.

When i introduce the decorator for the K8s in Flink, there is always a
guideline in my mind
that it should be easy for extension and adding new features. Just as you
say, we have lots
of functions to support and the K8s is also evolving very fast. The current
`FlinkMasterDeploymentDecorator`, `TaskManagerPodDecorator` is a basic
implementation with
some prerequisite parameters. Of course we could chain more decorators to
construct the K8s
resources. For example, InitializerDecorator -> OwnerReferenceDecorator ->
FlinkMasterDeploymentDecorator -> InitContainerDecorator ->
SidecarDecorator -> etc.

I am little sceptical about splitting every parameter into a single
decorator.  Since it does
not take too much benefits. But i agree with moving some common parameters
into separate
decorators(e.g. volume mount). Also introducing the `~Builder` class and
spinning off the chaining
decorator calls from `Fabric8FlinkKubeClient` make sense to me.

>> Add some dedicated tools for centrally parsing, verifying, and managing
the Kubernetes parameters.

Currently, we always get the parameters directly from Flink configuration(
e.g. `flinkConfig.getString(KubernetesConfigOptions.CONTAINER_IMAGE)`). I
think it could be improved
by introducing some dedicated conf parser classes. It is a good idea.


felixzheng zheng <felixzhen...@gmail.com> 于2020年2月21日周五 上午9:31写道:

> Hi everyone,
> I would like to kick off a discussion on refactoring the existing
> Kubernetes resources construction architecture design.
> I created a design document [1] that clarifies our motivation to do this
> and some improvement proposals for the new design.
> Briefly, we would like to
> 1. Introduce a unified monadic-step based orchestrator architecture that
> has a better, cleaner and consistent abstraction for the Kubernetes
> resources construction process, both applicable to the client side and the
> master side.
> 2. Add some dedicated tools for centrally parsing, verifying, and managing
> the Kubernetes parameters.
> It would be great to start the efforts before adding big features for the
> native Kubernetes submodule, and Tison and I plan to work together for this
> issue.
> Please let me know your thoughts.
> Regards,
> Canbin Zheng
> [1]
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dFBjqho8IRyNWxKVhFnTf0qGCsgp72aKON4wUdHY5Pg/edit?usp=sharing
> [2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-16194

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