How about putting "taskmanager.memory.flink.size" in the configuration?
Then new downloaded Flink behaves similar to the previous Standalone setups.

If someone upgrades the binaries, but re-uses their old configuration, then
they get the compatibility as discussed previously.
We used that approach previously with the fine-grained failover recovery.

On Mon, Dec 23, 2019 at 3:27 AM Xintong Song <> wrote:

> +1 to not have more options for off-heap memory, that would get confusing
>> fast. We can keep the name "off-heap" for both task and framework, as long
>> as they mean the same thing: native plus direct, and fully counted into
>> MaxDirectMemory. I would suggest to update the config descriptions then to
>> reflect that.
> True, this should be explained in the config descriptions.
> Which configuration option will be set in Flink's default flink-conf.yaml?
>> If we want to maintain the existing behaviour it would have to be the then
>> deprecated taskmanager.heap.size config option. If we are ok with Yarn
>> requesting slightly larger containers, then it could also
>> be
> Good point. Currently, we have "". In
> order to preserve the previous behavior, we need to have
> "taskmanager.heap.size" so it can be mapped to different new options in
> standalone / active setups.
> I think we can have the deprecated "taskmanager.heap.size" in the default
> flink-conf.yaml, and also have the
> new "" in a commented line. We can
> explain how the deprecated config option behaves differently in the
> comments, so that user can switch to the new config options if they want to.
> Thank you~
> Xintong Song
> On Sat, Dec 21, 2019 at 1:00 AM Till Rohrmann <>
> wrote:
>> Thanks for the feedback and good discussion everyone. I left some
>> comments inline.
>> On Fri, Dec 20, 2019 at 1:59 PM Stephan Ewen <> wrote:
>>> +1 to not have more options for off-heap memory, that would get
>>> confusing fast. We can keep the name "off-heap" for both task and
>>> framework, as long as they mean the same thing: native plus direct, and
>>> fully counted into MaxDirectMemory. I would suggest to update the config
>>> descriptions then to reflect that.
>>> On Fri, Dec 20, 2019 at 1:03 PM Xintong Song <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Regarding the framework/task direct/native memory options, I tend to
>>>> think it differently. I'm in favor of keep the "*.off-heap.size" for the
>>>> config option keys.
>>>>    - It's not necessary IMO to expose the difference concepts of
>>>>    direct / native memory to the users.
>>>>    - I would avoid introducing more options for native memory if
>>>>    possible. Taking fine grained resource management and dynamic slot
>>>>    allocation into consideration, that also means introduce more fields 
>>>> into
>>>>    ResourceSpec / ResourceProfile.
>>>>    - My gut feeling is that having a relative loose MaxDirectMemory
>>>>    should not be a big problem.
>>>>    - In most cases, the task / framework off-heap memory should be
>>>>       mainly (if not all) direct memory, so the difference between derived
>>>>       MaxDirectMemory and the ideal direct memory limit should not be too 
>>>> much.
>>>>       - We do not have a good way to know the exact size needed for
>>>>       jvm overhead / metaspace and framework / task off-heap memory, thus 
>>>> having
>>>>       to conservatively reserve slightly more memory then what actually 
>>>> needed.
>>>>       Such reserved but not used memory can cover for the small 
>>>> MaxDirectMemory
>>>>       error.
>>>>       -
>>>>       - MaxDirectMemory is not the only way to trigger full gc. We
>>>>       still heap activities that can also trigger the gc.
>>>> Regarding the memory type config options, I've looked into the latest
>>>> ConfigOptions changes. I think it shouldn't be too complicated to change
>>>> the config options to use memory type, and I can handle it maybe during
>>>> your vacations.
>>>> Also agree with improving MemorySize logging and parsing. This should
>>>> not be a blocker that has to be done in 1.10. I would say we finish other
>>>> works (testability, documentation and those discussed in this thread)
>>>> first, and get to this only if we have time.
>>>> Thank you~
>>>> Xintong Song
>>>> On Fri, Dec 20, 2019 at 6:07 PM Andrey Zagrebin <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Stephan and Xintong,
>>>>> Thanks for the further FLIP-49 feedbacks.
>>>>>   - "taskmanager.memory.size" (old main config option) is replaced by
>>>>>> "" which has a different meaning in
>>>>>> standalone setups. The old option did not subtract metaspace and other
>>>>>> overhead, while the new option does. That means that with the default
>>>>>> config, standalone clusters get quite a bit less memory. (independent of
>>>>>> managed memory going off heap).
>>>>>>     I am wondering if we could interpret "taskmanager.memory.size" as
>>>>>> the deprecated key for "". That would 
>>>>>> be
>>>>>> in line with the old mechanism (assuming managed memory is set to off 
>>>>>> heap).
>>>>>>     The effect would be that the container size on Yarn/Mesos
>>>>>> increases, because from "", we need to
>>>>>> add overhead and metaspace to reach the total process size, rather than
>>>>>> cutting off memory. But if we want, we could even adjust for that in the
>>>>>> active resource manager, getting full backwards compatibility on that 
>>>>>> part.
>>>>>>     Curious to hear more thoughts there.
>>>>> I believe you mean "taskmanager.heap.size".
>>>>> I think the problem here is that the legacy "taskmanager.heap.size"
>>>>> was used differently in standalone setups and active yarn / mesos setups,
>>>>> and such different calculation logics and behaviors are exactly what we
>>>>> want to avoid with FLIP-49. Therefore, I'm not in favor of treating
>>>>> "" differently for standalone and 
>>>>> active
>>>>> setups.
>>>>> I think what we really want is probably
>>>>> mapping "taskmanager.heap.size" to different new config options in
>>>>> different setups. How about we mark "taskmanager.heap.size" as deprecated
>>>>> key for neither of "" and
>>>>> "". Instead, we parse it (if explicitly
>>>>> configured) in startup scripts / active resource managers, and set the
>>>>> value to "" in the scripts and
>>>>> "" in active resource managers (if 
>>>>> the
>>>>> new config options are not configured). We can provide util methods in
>>>>> TaskExecutorResourceUtils for such conversions, to keep all the
>>>>> configuration logics at one place.
>>>>> I agree that the problem is that the legacy option
>>>>> ‘taskmanager.heap.size’ has different semantics for standalone/container.
>>>>> We had it initially falling back to '’
>>>>> but I changed that to align it with container cut-off. Now I see it 
>>>>> changes
>>>>> standalone setup then.
>>>>> +1 for supporting its backwards compatibility differently for
>>>>> standalone/container setups.
>> Which configuration option will be set in Flink's default
>> flink-conf.yaml? If we want to maintain the existing behaviour it would
>> have to be the then deprecated taskmanager.heap.size config option. If we
>> are ok with Yarn requesting slightly larger containers, then it could also
>> be
>>>>>   - Mini Cluster tries to imitate exact ratio of memory pools as a
>>>>>> standalone setup. I get the idea behind that, but I am wondering if it is
>>>>>> the right approach here.
>>>>>>     For example: I started a relatively large JVM (large heap size of
>>>>>> 10 GB) as a test. With the current logic, the system tries to reserve an
>>>>>> additional 6GB for managed memory which is more than there is memory 
>>>>>> left.
>>>>>> When you see the error that no memory could be allocated, you need to
>>>>>> understand the magic of how this is derived.
>>>>>>     I am trying to think about this from the perspective of using
>>>>>> "Flink as a Library", which the MiniCluster is close to.
>>>>>>     When starting Flink out of a running process, we cannot assume
>>>>>> that we are the only users of that process and that we can mold the 
>>>>>> process
>>>>>> to our demands. I think a fix value for managed memory and network memory
>>>>>> would feel more natural in such a setup than a mechanism that is tailored
>>>>>> towards exclusive use of the process.
>>>>> +1 on having fixed values for managed / shuffle memory.
>>>>> also +1 for that, if user has not specified any main options to derive
>>>>> memory. We should also log this fixing of managed / shuffle memory.
>>>>> And just noticed, we could also sanity check framework and if
>>>>> explicitly configured task heap against available JVM heap, and at least
>>>>> log inconsistencies.
>>>>>   - Some off-heap memory goes into direct memory, some does not. This
>>>>>> confused me a bit. For example 
>>>>>> ""
>>>>>> is counted into MaxDirectMemory while
>>>>>> "" is counted as native memory. 
>>>>>> Maybe
>>>>>> we should rename the keys to reflect that. There is no one "off heap"
>>>>>> memory type after all. Maybe use "taskmanager.memory.task.native: XXXmb"
>>>>>> and " XXXmb" instead?
>>>>> I believe "" is also accounted in
>>>>> the max direct memory size limit. The confusion probably comes from that
>>>>> "" explicitly mentioned that in
>>>>> its description while "" didn't.
>>>>> That's actually because the framework off-heap memory is introduced later
>>>>> in a separate commit. We should fix that.
>>>>> For framework / task off-heap memory, we do not differentiate direct /
>>>>> native memory usage. That means the configure value for these two options
>>>>> could be a mixture of direct / native memory. Since we do not know the
>>>>> portion of direct memory out of the configured value, we have
>>>>> to conservatively account it all into the max direct memory size limit.
>>>>> *==>  In that case, I am a bit confused. For the total size
>>>>> calculation, it is fine. But why do we then set MaxDirectMemory? It is a
>>>>> difficult parameter, and the main reason to set it was (if I recall
>>>>> correctly) to trigger GC based on direct memory allocation (to free heap
>>>>> structures that then in turn release direct memory). If the limit is
>>>>> anyways too high (because we also count native memory in there) such that
>>>>> we can exceed the total process (container) memory, why do we set it 
>>>>> then?*
>>>>> I always also thought about it as providing more safety net for direct
>>>>> allocations but GC thing looks more important.
>>>>> +1 for fixing docs for '’ and
>>>>> renaming to ‘direct' as this is what really happens
>>>>> if we want to support direct limit more exact than now.
>>>>> I also think that it is hard to separate direct / native memory unless
>>>>> we introduce even more options.
>>>>> If user wants to keep the direct limit tight to a certain value but
>>>>> also use native memory outside of it,
>>>>> she would have to increase something else, like JVM overhead to
>>>>> account for it and there is no other better way.
>>>>> Having more options to account for the native memory outside of direct
>>>>> limit complicates things but can be introduced later if needed.
>>>>>   - What do you think about renaming
>>>>>> "" to "taskmanager.memory.flink.size"
>>>>>> and "" to
>>>>>> "taskmanager.memory.process.size" (or ""). I
>>>>>> think these keys may be a bit less clumsy (dropping the "total-") without
>>>>>> loss of expressiveness.
>>>>> +1 on this.
>>>>> +1 as well. Also an option: '’ ->
>>>>> ‘taskmanager.memory.jvm.process.size’,
>>>>> although it can be also mentioned in docs that we mean JVM process.
>> I'd be in favour of Stephan's proposal for the config keys as shorter is
>> usually better and they are still descriptive enough. Between
>> "taskmanager.memory.process.size" and "" I
>> would slightly favour the first variant.
>>>>>   - The network memory keys are now called
>>>>>> "taskmanager.memory.shuffle.*". To my knowledge, shuffle is usually
>>>>>> understood as a redistribution (random, or maybe by hash of key). As an
>>>>>> example, there are many discussions about "shuffle join versus broadcast
>>>>>> join", where "shuffle" is the synonym for "re-partitioning". We use that
>>>>>> memory however for all network operations, like forward pipes, 
>>>>>> broadcasts,
>>>>>> receiver-side buffering on checkpoints, etc. I find the name 
>>>>>> "*.shuffle.*"
>>>>>> confusing, I am wondering if users would find that as well. So throwing 
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> the suggestion to call the options "*".
>>>>> +0 on this one. I'm ok with "*". On the
>>>>> other hand, one can also argue that this part of memory is used by
>>>>> ShuffleEnvironment, and the key "taskmanager.memory.shuffle.*" points more
>>>>> directly to the shuffle service components.
>>>>> *==> In that case, the name "Shuffle Environment" may be a bit
>>>>> incorrect, because it is doing not only shuffles as well. The
>>>>> ShuffleEnvironment is also more internal, so the name is not too critical.
>>>>> This isn't super high priority for me, but if we want to adjust it, better
>>>>> earlier than later.*
>>>>> This is also a bit controversial topic for me. Indeed, we have always
>>>>> used ’network’ for this concept of task data shuffling over the network 
>>>>> and
>>>>> this can confuse existing users.
>>>>> On the other hand for the new users and in a long term, ’network’ can
>>>>> delude into a conclusion that all network memory is managed by this 
>>>>> option.
>>>>> Also other types of shuffle might not directly deal with network at
>>>>> all.
>>>>> By calling it shuffle, we were somewhat biased by understanding it in
>>>>> term of map/reduce. This is rather an inter-task data exchange.
>>>>> Maybe then 'taskmanager.memory.shuffle.communication.*’ or
>>>>> ‘taskmanager.memory.task.shuffle/communication/io/network.*’.
>>  From a user's perspective I believe "" would
>> be easier to understand as not everyone knows exactly what the shuffle
>> service is. I see the point that it would be a bit imprecise as we can have
>> different shuffle implementations but I would go with the ease of
>> use/understanding here. Moreover, I think that we won't have many different
>> shuffle service implementations in the foreseeable future.
>>>>>   - The descriptions for the "taskmanager.memory.jvm-overhead.*" keys
>>>>>> say that it also accounts for I/O direct memory, but the parameter is not
>>>>>> counted into the MaxDirectMemory parameter.
>>>>> True. Since we already have framework off-heap memory accounted for ad
>>>>> hoc direct memory usages, accounting all of jvm-overhead also into max
>>>>> direct memory limit seems not necessary. I would suggest to remove "I/O
>>>>> direct memory" from the description, and explicitly mention that this
>>>>> option does not account for direct memory and will not be accounted into
>>>>> max direct memory limit. WDYT?
>>>>> +1
>>>>>   - Can make the new ConfigOptions strongly typed with the new
>>>>>> configuration options. For example, directly use MemorySize typed 
>>>>>> options.
>>>>>> That makes validation automatic and saves us from breaking the options
>>>>>> later.
>>>>> +1. Wasn't aware of the new memory type config options.
>>>>> +1
>>>>> *==> Thanks. Do you need help with adjusting this?*
>>>>> I would appreciate it.
>>>>> Also small side note, we extensively use MemorySize in logs now but it
>>>>> might be not always readable as its string representation is only in bytes
>>>>> atm
>>>>> and does not reduce it to kb/mb/etc in case of big bytes value. We
>>>>> could have at least some .prettyPrint function to use in logs.
>>>>> And .fromMegabytes/etc factory methods would improve code readability
>>>>> instead of .parse(int + “m”).
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Andrey
>>>>> On 20 Dec 2019, at 12:13, Stephan Ewen <> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Xintong!
>>>>> Please find my answers inline:
>>>>>>   - "taskmanager.memory.size" (old main config option) is replaced by
>>>>>>> "" which has a different meaning in
>>>>>>> standalone setups. The old option did not subtract metaspace and other
>>>>>>> overhead, while the new option does. That means that with the default
>>>>>>> config, standalone clusters get quite a bit less memory. (independent of
>>>>>>> managed memory going off heap).
>>>>>>>     I am wondering if we could interpret "taskmanager.memory.size"
>>>>>>> as the deprecated key for "". That 
>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>> be in line with the old mechanism (assuming managed memory is set to off
>>>>>>> heap).
>>>>>>>     The effect would be that the container size on Yarn/Mesos
>>>>>>> increases, because from "", we need 
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> add overhead and metaspace to reach the total process size, rather than
>>>>>>> cutting off memory. But if we want, we could even adjust for that in the
>>>>>>> active resource manager, getting full backwards compatibility on that 
>>>>>>> part.
>>>>>>>     Curious to hear more thoughts there.
>>>>>> I believe you mean "taskmanager.heap.size".
>>>>> *==> Yes*
>>>>>> I think the problem here is that the legacy "taskmanager.heap.size"
>>>>>> was used differently in standalone setups and active yarn / mesos setups,
>>>>>> and such different calculation logics and behaviors are exactly what we
>>>>>> want to avoid with FLIP-49. Therefore, I'm not in favor of treating
>>>>>> "" differently for standalone and 
>>>>>> active
>>>>>> setups.
>>>>>> I think what we really want is probably
>>>>>> mapping "taskmanager.heap.size" to different new config options in
>>>>>> different setups. How about we mark "taskmanager.heap.size" as deprecated
>>>>>> key for neither of "" and
>>>>>> "". Instead, we parse it (if 
>>>>>> explicitly
>>>>>> configured) in startup scripts / active resource managers, and set the
>>>>>> value to "" in the scripts and
>>>>>> "" in active resource managers (if 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> new config options are not configured). We can provide util methods in
>>>>>> TaskExecutorResourceUtils for such conversions, to keep all the
>>>>>> configuration logics at one place.
>>>>> *==> This is pretty much what I meant as well (maybe my description
>>>>> was not very clear), so +1 for that mechanism*
>>>>>   - Mini Cluster tries to imitate exact ratio of memory pools as a
>>>>>>> standalone setup. I get the idea behind that, but I am wondering if it 
>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>> the right approach here.
>>>>>>>     For example: I started a relatively large JVM (large heap size
>>>>>>> of 10 GB) as a test. With the current logic, the system tries to 
>>>>>>> reserve an
>>>>>>> additional 6GB for managed memory which is more than there is memory 
>>>>>>> left.
>>>>>>> When you see the error that no memory could be allocated, you need to
>>>>>>> understand the magic of how this is derived.
>>>>>>>     I am trying to think about this from the perspective of using
>>>>>>> "Flink as a Library", which the MiniCluster is close to.
>>>>>>>     When starting Flink out of a running process, we cannot assume
>>>>>>> that we are the only users of that process and that we can mold the 
>>>>>>> process
>>>>>>> to our demands. I think a fix value for managed memory and network 
>>>>>>> memory
>>>>>>> would feel more natural in such a setup than a mechanism that is 
>>>>>>> tailored
>>>>>>> towards exclusive use of the process.
>>>>>> +1 on having fixed values for managed / shuffle memory.
>>>>> *==> Cool, let's also see what Andrey and Till think here.*
>>>>>>   - Some off-heap memory goes into direct memory, some does not. This
>>>>>>> confused me a bit. For example 
>>>>>>> ""
>>>>>>> is counted into MaxDirectMemory while
>>>>>>> "" is counted as native memory. 
>>>>>>> Maybe
>>>>>>> we should rename the keys to reflect that. There is no one "off heap"
>>>>>>> memory type after all. Maybe use "taskmanager.memory.task.native: XXXmb"
>>>>>>> and " XXXmb" instead?
>>>>>> I believe "" is also accounted
>>>>>> in the max direct memory size limit. The confusion probably comes from 
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> "" explicitly mentioned that in
>>>>>> its description while "" didn't.
>>>>>> That's actually because the framework off-heap memory is introduced later
>>>>>> in a separate commit. We should fix that.
>>>>>> For framework / task off-heap memory, we do not differentiate direct
>>>>>> / native memory usage. That means the configure value for these two 
>>>>>> options
>>>>>> could be a mixture of direct / native memory. Since we do not know the
>>>>>> portion of direct memory out of the configured value, we have
>>>>>> to conservatively account it all into the max direct memory size limit.
>>>>> *==>  In that case, I am a bit confused. For the total size
>>>>> calculation, it is fine. But why do we then set MaxDirectMemory? It is a
>>>>> difficult parameter, and the main reason to set it was (if I recall
>>>>> correctly) to trigger GC based on direct memory allocation (to free heap
>>>>> structures that then in turn release direct memory). If the limit is
>>>>> anyways too high (because we also count native memory in there) such that
>>>>> we can exceed the total process (container) memory, why do we set it 
>>>>> then?*
>>>>>   - The network memory keys are now called
>>>>>>> "taskmanager.memory.shuffle.*". To my knowledge, shuffle is usually
>>>>>>> understood as a redistribution (random, or maybe by hash of key). As an
>>>>>>> example, there are many discussions about "shuffle join versus broadcast
>>>>>>> join", where "shuffle" is the synonym for "re-partitioning". We use that
>>>>>>> memory however for all network operations, like forward pipes, 
>>>>>>> broadcasts,
>>>>>>> receiver-side buffering on checkpoints, etc. I find the name 
>>>>>>> "*.shuffle.*"
>>>>>>> confusing, I am wondering if users would find that as well. So throwing 
>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>> the suggestion to call the options "*".
>>>>>> +0 on this one. I'm ok with "*". On the
>>>>>> other hand, one can also argue that this part of memory is used by
>>>>>> ShuffleEnvironment, and the key "taskmanager.memory.shuffle.*" points 
>>>>>> more
>>>>>> directly to the shuffle service components.
>>>>> *==> In that case, the name "Shuffle Environment" may be a bit
>>>>> incorrect, because it is doing not only shuffles as well. The
>>>>> ShuffleEnvironment is also more internal, so the name is not too critical.
>>>>> This isn't super high priority for me, but if we want to adjust it, better
>>>>> earlier than later.*
>>>>>    - The descriptions for the "taskmanager.memory.jvm-overhead.*" keys
>>>>> say that it also accounts for I/O direct memory, but the parameter is not
>>>>> counted into the MaxDirectMemory parameter.
>>>>>> True. Since we already have framework off-heap memory accounted for
>>>>>> ad hoc direct memory usages, accounting all of jvm-overhead also into max
>>>>>> direct memory limit seems not necessary. I would suggest to remove "I/O
>>>>>> direct memory" from the description, and explicitly mention that this
>>>>>> option does not account for direct memory and will not be accounted into
>>>>>> max direct memory limit. WDYT?
>>>>> *==> Sounds good. *
>>>>>>   - Can make the new ConfigOptions strongly typed with the new
>>>>>>> configuration options. For example, directly use MemorySize typed 
>>>>>>> options.
>>>>>>> That makes validation automatic and saves us from breaking the options
>>>>>>> later.
>>>>>> +1. Wasn't aware of the new memory type config options.
>>>>> *==> Thanks. Do you need help with adjusting this?*
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Stephan

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