
thanks for your explanation, what you want is to disable periodic
checkpoint in some time duration, and at other times the periodic
checkpoint is doing as normal. Currently, Flink does not support this, as
you've created an issue for this, we can track this in the issue side. for
now, if you really want this, you can change the logic in


shuwen zhou <jaco...@gmail.com> 于2019年11月21日周四 下午4:57写道:

> Hi Yun and Congxian,
> I would actually want checkpoint to avoid being triggered on a certain
> time. It still remains as system mechanism just avoid being triggered at a
> certain range of time.
> Waiting for the checkpoint to timeout still waste CPU&disk IO resources
> since it was being triggered. I would like it to avoid from being triggered
> at first.
> I suppose use a cron style would not break checkpoint's system mechanism.
> Savepoint, on the other hand, is not incremental update, trigger a
> savepoint every 10 mins will waste a lot of disk and another script is
> required to remove outdated savepoint. I suppose savepoint is being used in
> upgrade/restart scenario.
> A cron style checkpoint time config will provide a lot flexibility. Thanks.
> On Thu, 21 Nov 2019 at 16:28, Yun Tang <myas...@live.com> wrote:
>> Hi Shuwen
>> Conceptually, checkpoints in Flink behaves more like a system mechanism
>> to achieve fault tolerance and transparent for users. On the other hand,
>> savepoint in Flink behaves more like a user control behavior, can savepoint
>> not satisfy your demands for crontab?
>> Best
>> Yun Tang
>> *From: *Congxian Qiu <qcx978132...@gmail.com>
>> *Date: *Thursday, November 21, 2019 at 2:27 PM
>> *To: *shuwen zhou <jaco...@gmail.com>
>> *Cc: *Jiayi Liao <bupt_...@163.com>, dev <dev@flink.apache.org>, user <
>> u...@flink.apache.org>
>> *Subject: *Re: Cron style for checkpoint
>> Hi
>> Currently, Flink does not support such feature, from what you describe,
>> does set an appropriate timeout for checkpoint can solve your problem?
>> Best,
>> Congxian
>> shuwen zhou <jaco...@gmail.com> 于2019年11月21日周四 下午12:06写道:
>> Hi Jiayi,
>> It would be great if Flink could have a user defined interface for user
>> to implement to control checkpoint behavior, at least for time related
>> behavior.
>> I brought up a wish on JIRA [1], perhaps it described clearly enough.
>> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-14884
>> On Thu, 21 Nov 2019 at 11:40, Jiayi Liao <bupt_...@163.com> wrote:
>> Hi Shuwen,
>> As far as I know, Flink can only support checkpoint with a fixed
>> interval.
>> However I think the flexible mechanism of triggering checkpoint is worth
>> working on, at least from my perspective. And it may not only be a cron
>> style. In our business scenario, the data traffic usually reaches the peek
>> of the day after 20:00, which we want to increase the interval of
>> checkpoint otherwise it’ll introduce more disk and network IO.
>> Just want to share something about this :)
>> Best,
>> Jiayi Liao
>> At 2019-11-21 10:20:47, "shuwen zhou" <jaco...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >Hi Community,
>> >I would like to know if there is a existing function to support cron style
>> >checkpoint?
>> >The case is, our data traffic is huge on HH:30 for each hour. We don't wont
>> >checkpoint to fall in that range of time. A cron like 15,45 * * * * to set
>> >for checkpoint would be nice. If a checkpoint is already in progress when
>> >minutes is 15 or 45, there would be a config value to trigger a new
>> >checkpoint or pass.
>> >
>> >--
>> >Best Wishes,
>> >Shuwen Zhou <http://www.linkedin.com/pub/shuwen-zhou/57/55b/599/>
>> --
>> Best Wishes,
>> Shuwen Zhou <http://www.linkedin.com/pub/shuwen-zhou/57/55b/599/>
> --
> Best Wishes,
> Shuwen Zhou <http://www.linkedin.com/pub/shuwen-zhou/57/55b/599/>

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