I have a question regarding Avro Types and schema evolution. According to
the docs the schema resolution is compatible with the Avro docs [1].

But I have done some testing. For example, I have created a record, written
it to Kafka, and then changed the order the fields in schema and tried to
read the data with changed schema using AvroDeserializationSchema from
Flink, it was  failing with IndexOfBounds during deserialization, but
according to the docs fields are resolved by name during deserialization
and changed ordering should not really be a problem.

I have also found some other inconsistencies like  when the writer is
missing the field, but it is optional for reader, which means that it has
default value. According to Avro docs this should be resolved, but I only
managed to resolve this of the missing field is at the end, not if it's in
the middle.

Is there anything that I don't understand here, or is something wrong ??

Best Regards,


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