I am a little confused, why we need to prepare python environment in
release. Shouldn't that be done when user start to use pyflink ?
Or do you mean to set up python environment for pyflink's CI build ?

Regarding this problem  "It needs a proper Python environment(i.e. Python
3.5+, setuptools, etc) to build the PyFlink package"
Would the build fail if I use python 3.4 ?

Dian Fu <dian0511...@gmail.com> 于2019年10月29日周二 上午11:01写道:

> Hi all,
> We have reached a consensus that the PyFlink package should be published
> to PyPI in [1]. Thanks to Jincheng's effort, the PyPI account has already
> been created and available to use now [2]. It means that we could publish
> PyFlink to PyPI in the coming releases and it also means that additional
> steps will be added to the normal process of the Flink release to prepare
> the PyFlink release package.
> It needs a proper Python environment(i.e. Python 3.5+, setuptools, etc) to
> build the PyFlink package. There are two options in my mind to prepare the
> Python environment:
> 1) Reuse the script lint-python.sh defined in flink-python module to
> create the required virtual environment and build the PyFlink package using
> the created virtual environment.
> 2) It's assumed that the local Python environment is properly installed
> and ready to use. The Python environment requirement will be documented at
> the page "Create a Flink Release" and validation check could also be added
> in create_binary_release.sh to throw an meaningful error with hints how to
> fix it if it's not correct.
> Option 1:
> Pros:
> - It's transparent for release managers.
> Cons:
> - It needs to prepare the virtual environment during preparing the PyFlink
> release package and it will take some several minutes as it need to
> download a few binaries.
> Option 2:
> Pros:
> - There is no need to prepare the virtual environment if the local
> environment is already properly configured.
> Cons:
> - It requires the release managers to prepare the local Python environment
> and not all the people are familiar with Python and it's a burden for
> release managers.
> Personally I prefer to option 1).
> Looking forward to your feedback!
> PS: I think this issue could also be discussed in the JIRA. But I tend to
> bring up the discussion to ML as it introduces an additional step to the
> release process and I think this should be visible to the community and it
> should be well discussed. Besides, we could also get more feedback.
> Regards,
> Dian
> [1]
> http://apache-flink-mailing-list-archive.1008284.n3.nabble.com/VOTE-Publish-the-PyFlink-into-PyPI-tt31201.html
> [2]
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-13011?focusedCommentId=16947307&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#comment-16947307

Best Regards

Jeff Zhang

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