
In general, I’m also for “execution" compared to just “exec”. For some of these 
options, though, I’m wondering whether “pipeline.<option>” or “job.<option>” 
makes more sense. Over time, a lot of things have accumulated in 
ExecutionConfig but a lot of them are not execution related, I think. For 
example, auto-type-registration would make more sense as 
“pipeline.auto-type-registration”. For some other options, I think we should 
consider not exposing them via the configuration if we don’t think that we want 
to have them in the long term.

I’ll try to categorise what I think:

Don’t expose:
 - defaultInputDependencyConstraint (I think this is an internal flag for the 
Blink runner)
 - executionMode (I think this is also Blink internals)
 - printProgressDuringExecution (I don’t know if this flag still does anything)

Maybe don’t expose:
 - defaultKryoSerializerClasses
 - setGlobalJobParameters (if we expose it it should be “pipeline”)

 - autoTypeRegistration
 - autoWatermarkInterval
 - closureCleaner
 - disableGenericTypes
 - enableAutoGeneratedUIDs
 - forceAvro
 - forceKryo
 - setMaxParallelism
 - setParallelism
 - objectReuse (this one is hard, could be execution)
 - registeredKryoTypes
 - registeredPojoTypes
 - timeCharacteristic
 - isChainingEnabled
 - cachedFile

 - latencyTrackingInterval
 - setRestartStrategy
 - taskCancellationIntervalMillis
 - taskCancellationTimeoutMillis
 - bufferTimeout

checkpointing: (this might be “execution.checkpointing”)
 - useSnapshotCompression
 - <the other checkpointing settings in the doc>
 - defaultStateBackend

What do you think?


> On 17. Oct 2019, at 09:32, Timo Walther <twal...@apache.org> wrote:
> Sounds good to me.
> Thanks,
> Timo
> On 17.10.19 09:30, Kostas Kloudas wrote:
>> Hi Timo,
>> I agree that distinguishing between "executor" and "execution" when
>> scanning through a configuration file can be difficult. These names
>> were mainly influenced by the fact that FLIP-73 introduced the
>> "Executor".
>> In addition, I agree that "deployment" or "deploy" sound good
>> alternatives. Between the two, I would go with "deployment" (although
>> I like more the "deploy" as it is more imperative) for the simple
>> reason that we do not use verbs anywhere else (I think) in config
>> options.
>> Now for the "exec" or "execution", personally I like the longer
>> version as it is clearer.
>> So, to summarise, I would vote for "deployment", "execution", and
>> "pipeline" for job invariants, like the jars.
>> What do you think?
>> Cheers,
>> Kostas
>> On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 5:28 PM Timo Walther <twal...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> Hi Kostas,
>>> can we still discuss the naming of the properties? For me, having
>>> "execution" and "exector" as prefixes might be confusing in the future
>>> and difficult to identify if you scan through a list of properties.
>>> How about `deployment` and `execution`? Or `deployer` and `exec`?
>>> Regards,
>>> Timo
>>> On 16.10.19 16:31, Kostas Kloudas wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Thanks for opening the discussion!
>>>> I like the idea, so +1 from my side and actually this is aligned with
>>>> our intensions for the FLIP-73 effort.
>>>> For the naming convention of the parameters introduced in the FLIP, my
>>>> proposal would be have the full word "execution" instead of the
>>>> shorter "exec".
>>>> The reason for this, is that in the context of FLIP-73, we are also
>>>> planning to introduce some new configuration parameters and the
>>>> convention we
>>>> are currently using is the following:
>>>> pipeline.***: for job parameters that will not change between
>>>> executions of the same job, e.g. the jar location
>>>> executor.***: for parameters relevant to the instantiation of the
>>>> correct executor, e.g. YARN, detached, etc
>>>> execution.***: for parameters that are relevant to a specific
>>>> execution of a given pipeline, e.g. parallelism or savepoint settings
>>>> I understand that sometimes the boundaries may not be that clear for a
>>>> parameter but I hope this will not be relevant to most of the
>>>> parameters.
>>>> I will also open a FLIP with some addition parameters but until then,
>>>> this is the scheme that we are planning to follow.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Kostas
>>>> On Mon, Sep 2, 2019 at 9:26 AM Dawid Wysakowicz <dwysakow...@apache.org> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Gyula,
>>>>> Yes you are right, we were also considering the external configurer. The
>>>>> reason we suggest the built in method is that it is more tightly coupled
>>>>> with the place the options are actually set. Therefore our hope is that,
>>>>> whenever somebody e.g. adds new fields to the ExecutionConfig he/she
>>>>> updates also the configure method. I am not entirely against your
>>>>> suggestion though, if this is the preferred way in the community.
>>>>> Does anyone has any comments regarding the option keys?
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Dawid
>>>>> On 30/08/2019 14:57, Gyula Fóra wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Dawid,
>>>>>> Sorry I misread one of the interfaces a little (Configuration instead of
>>>>>> ConfigurationReader), you are right.
>>>>>> I was referring to:
>>>>>>     -
>>>>>>     void StreamExecutionEnvironment.configure(ConfigurationReader)
>>>>>> This might be slightly orthogonal to the changes that you made here but
>>>>>> what I meant is that instead of adding methods to the
>>>>>> StreamExecutionEnvironment we could make this an external interface:
>>>>>> EnvironmentConfigurer {
>>>>>>    void configure(StreamExecutionEnvironment, ConfigurationReader)
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> We could then have a default implementation of the EnvironmentConfigurer
>>>>>> that would understand built in options.  We could also allow users to 
>>>>>> pass
>>>>>> custom implementations of this, which could configure the
>>>>>> StreamExecutionEnvironment based on user defined config options. This is
>>>>>> just a rough idea for extensibility and probably out of scope at first.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Gyula
>>>>>> On Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 12:13 PM Dawid Wysakowicz 
>>>>>> <dwysakow...@apache.org>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Gyula,
>>>>>>> Thank you for the support on those changes.
>>>>>>> I am not sure if I understood your idea for the "reconfiguration" logic.
>>>>>>> The configure method on those objects would take ConfigurationReader. So
>>>>>>> user can provide a thin wrapper around Configuration for e.g. filtering
>>>>>>> certain logic, changing values based on other parameters etc. Is that
>>>>>>> what you had in mind?
>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>> Dawid
>>>>>>> On 29/08/2019 19:21, Gyula Fóra wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi!
>>>>>>>> Huuuge +1 from me, this has been an operational pain for years.
>>>>>>>> This would also introduce a nice and simple way to extend it in the
>>>>>>> future
>>>>>>>> if we need.
>>>>>>>> Ship it!
>>>>>>>> Gyula
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 5:05 PM Dawid Wysakowicz 
>>>>>>>> <dwysakow...@apache.org
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> I wanted to propose a new, additional way of configuring execution
>>>>>>>>> parameters that can currently be set only on such objects like
>>>>>>>>> ExecutionConfig, CheckpointConfig and StreamExecutionEnvironment. This
>>>>>>>>> poses problems such as:
>>>>>>>>>     - no easy way to configure those from a file
>>>>>>>>>     - there is no easy way to pass a configuration from layers built 
>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>     top of StreamExecutionEnvironment. (e.g. when we want to configure
>>>>>>> those
>>>>>>>>>     options from TableEnvironment)
>>>>>>>>>     - they are not automatically documented
>>>>>>>>> Note that there are a few concepts from FLIP-54[1] that this FLIP is
>>>>>>> based
>>>>>>>>> on.
>>>>>>>>> Would be really grateful to know if you think this would be a valuable
>>>>>>>>> addition and any other feedback.
>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>> Dawid
>>>>>>>>> Wiki page:
>>>>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-59%3A+Enable+execution+configuration+from+Configuration+object
>>>>>>>>> Google doc:
>>>>>>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l8jW2NjhwHH1mVPbLvFolnL2vNvf4buUMDZWMfN_hFM/edit?usp=sharing
>>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-54%3A+Evolve+ConfigOption+and+Configuration

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