To be honest I formerly want to firstly start a thread discuss about
what per-job mode means because things gets quite different whether
or not per-job mode contains exactly one JobGraph or allow to have
multiple part. Plus the complexity that whether or not we support
post-execution logic it becomes more unclear what per-job
looks like in user perspective.

But the original purpose is towards a concrete PerJobExecutor and I
want to save bandwidth by reduce concurrent coupled threads a bit.

Zili Chen <> 于2019年10月2日周三 下午5:33写道:

> Hi Till,
> The purpose to post thoughts above here is because FLIP-73 is unclear on
> how to
> achieve PerJobExecutor. In order to discuss this topic it is necessary to
> clarify how
> per-job mode runs regardless what it is now.
> With PerJobExecutor called in Environment I don't think we still keep
> current logic. If
> we keep current logic, it looks like
> 1. env.execute calls executor.execute
> 2. executor get current job graph, deploy a job cluster
> 3. for the rest part, shall we deploy a new job cluster? reuse the
> previous job cluster?
> or as current logic, we abort on the first submission?
> These question should be answered to clarify what PerJobExecutor is and
> how it works.
> Best,
> tison
> Till Rohrmann <> 于2019年10月2日周三 下午5:19写道:
>> I'm not sure whether removing the current per-job mode semantics all
>> together is a good idea. It has some nice properties, for example the
>> JobGraph stays constant. With your proposal which I would coin the
>> driver mode, the JobGraph would be regenerated in case of a failover.
>> Depending on the user code logic, this could generate a different JobGraph.
>> Aren't we unnecessarily widening the scope of this FLIP here? Wouldn't it
>> be possible to introduce the Executors without changing Flink's deployment
>> options in the first step? I don't fully understand where this
>> need/requirement comes from.
>> Cheers,
>> Till
>> On Wed, Oct 2, 2019 at 10:58 AM Zili Chen <> wrote:
>>> Thanks for your thoughts Kostas!
>>> I agree Executor to be a concept on clients now. And sincerely second
>>> the description
>>> Now the Executor simply uses a client, e.g. a ClusterClient, to submit
>>> the job (JobGraph) that it will create from the user program.
>>> In that sense, the Executor is one level of abstraction above the
>>> clients, as it adds more functionality and it uses the one offered by
>>> the client.
>>> In fact, let's think of the statement an Executor simply uses a client
>>> to submit the job.
>>> I'd like to give a description of how job submission works in per-job
>>> mode and it will
>>> follow a similar view now which
>>> (1) achieve run client on cluster side @Stephan Ewen <>
>>> (2) support multi-parts per-job program so that we don't hack to
>>> fallback to session cluster
>>> in this case @Till Rohrmann <>
>>> Let's start with an example we submit a user program via CLI in per-job
>>> mode.
>>> 1) CLI generates configuration for getting all information about
>>> deployment.
>>> 2) CLI deploys a job cluster *with user jars* and specially mark the jar
>>> contains user program
>>> 3) JobClusterEntrypoint takes care of the bootstrap of flink cluster and
>>> executes user program,
>>> respects all configuration passed from client
>>> 4) user program now runs on cluster side, it starts executing main
>>> method, get a environment with
>>> information of the associated job cluster. since the cluster has already
>>> started, it can submit the
>>> job to that cluster as in session cluster.
>>> 5) job cluster shutdown on user program exits *and* Dispatcher doesn't
>>> maintain any jobs.
>>> Since we actually runs client on cluster side we can execute multi-parts
>>> program because we submit
>>> to local cluster one by one. And because we change the process from
>>> - start a per job cluster with job graph
>>> to
>>> + start a per job cluster with user program
>>> we runs client on cluster side, it avoids that we "extract" job graph
>>> from user program which limits
>>> on multi-parts program and doesn't respect user logic outside of Flink
>>> related code.
>>> Take session scenario into consideration, overall we now have
>>> 1. ClusterDeployer and its factory which are SPI for platform developers
>>> so that they can deploy a
>>> job cluster with user program or session cluster.
>>> 2. Environment and Executor is unified. Environment helps describe user
>>> program logic and internally
>>> compile the job as well as submit job with Executor. Executor always
>>> make use of a ClusterClient
>>> to submit the job. Specifically, in per-job mode, Environment reads
>>> configuration refined by job cluster
>>> so that it knows how to generate a ClusterClient.
>>> 3. Platform developers gets ClusterClient as return value of deploy
>>> method of ClusterDeployer or
>>> retrieves from an existing public known session Cluster(by
>>> ClusterRetriever or extend ClusterDeploy to
>>> another general concept).
>>> 4. JobClient can be used by user program writer or platform developer
>>> for manage job in different condition.
>>> There are many other refactor we can do to respect this architecture but
>>> let's re-emphasize the key difference
>>> ** job cluster doesn't start with a job graph anymore but start with a
>>> user program and it runs the program
>>> on the same place as the cluster runs on. So that for the program, it is
>>> nothing different to a session cluster.
>>> It just an existing cluster. **
>>> Best,
>>> tison.

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