Hello Flink Devs, I am interested in contributing to Apache Flink and I am looking for beginner friendly issues/tasks to hit the ground running. *Can somebody recommend good issues for first time contributors* ?
Also, can somebody add me to JIRA project for Flink ? My JIRA username is anoophallur What I have done so far. * I have read the "How to contribute" guide (at https://flink.apache.org/contributing/how-to-contribute.html) and all it's subpages. * I have set up my development environment by following the guide at https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/Setting+up+a+Flink+development+environment. "mvn clean packages" builds and packages the build artifacts for me. All the tests are passing locally as well. * I have looked at the open issues at https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/FLINK/issues/FLINK-13613?filter=allopenissues but I am not sure which ones are good for new members. I use JVM based languages + mvn for my day job, so I understand the overall project, but not the relative importance of each of the issues. * I have also read bits and pieces of documentation + the tutorials(at https://training.ververica.com/intro/intro-1.html). I consider myself a novice as a Flink consumer. Thanks, Anoop *Anoop Hallur* (001) 917-285-3445 | anoophal...@gmail.com | Skype: anoophallur <https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#> <http://www.linkedin.com/in/anoophallur> <http://github.com/anooprh>