Hi Dev Team, I am facing issue while registering flink version : 1.7.2 .
Go through the below link for all the details. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57431025/issue-while-registering-event-in-flink-cluster-1-7-2-version [https://cdn.sstatic.net/Sites/stackoverflow/img/apple-touch-i...@2.png?v=73d79a89bded]<https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57431025/issue-while-registering-event-in-flink-cluster-1-7-2-version> Issue while registering event in flink cluster 1.7.2 version - Stack Overflow<https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57431025/issue-while-registering-event-in-flink-cluster-1-7-2-version> Setup: I have a cluster setup for kafka and flink. Ex : 3 taskmanager talk to kafka which is running on 3 server. Each taskmanager talks to kafka cluster to consume data. When I publish the dat... stackoverflow.com Thanks, Avinash 9632696710