Hi Danny,
thanks for working on this issue and writing down the concept
suggestion. We are currently still in the progress of finalizing the 1.9
release. Having proper streaming DDL support will definitely be part of
Flink 1.10. I will take a look at the whole DDL efforts very soon once
the 1.9 release is out.
Am 23.07.19 um 11:00 schrieb Danny Chan:
In umbrella task FLINK-10232[1] we have introduced CREATE TABLE grammar in our
new module flink-sql-parser. And we proposed to use computed column to describe
the time attribute of process time in the design doc FLINK SQL DDL[2], so user
may create a table with process time attribute as following:
create table T1(
a int,
b bigint,
c varchar,
) with (
k1 = v1,
k2 = v2
The column d would be a process time attribute for table T1. There are also
many other use cases for computed columns[3].
It may not be a big change here, but may touch the TableSchema, which is a
public API for user now, so i'm very appreciate for your suggestions(especially
its relationship with the TableSchema).
I write a simple design doc here[3].
[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-10232
Danny Chan