@Piotr regarding the 3 days voting on the FLIP. This is just about the voting, 
before that there needs to be the discussion thread. If three days have passed 
on a vote and there is consensus (i.e. 3 committers/PMCs have voted +1) that 
seems a high enough bar for me. So far, we have rarely see any FLIPs pass that 
formal bar.

According to the recent META-FLIP thread, we want to use "lazy majority" for 
the FLIP voting process. I think that should be changed from “consensus” in the 
proposed bylaws.

Regarding the current state: do we have a current state that we all agree on? I 
have the feeling that if we try to come up with something that reflects the 
common state, according to PMCs/commiters, that might take a very long time. In 
that case I think it’s better to adopt something that we all like, rather than 
trying to capture how we do it now.


> On 12. Jul 2019, at 11:07, Piotr Nowojski <pi...@ververica.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for the proposal. Generally speaking +1 from my side to the general 
> idea and most of the content. I also see merit to the Chesney's proposal to 
> start from the current state. I think either would be fine for me.
> Couple of comments:
> 1. 
> I also think that requiring +1 from another committer would slow down and put 
> even more strain on the current reviewing bottleneck that we are having. Even 
> if the change clear and simple, context switch cost is quite high, and that’s 
> just one less PR that the second “cross” committer could have reviewed 
> somewhere else in that time. Besides, current setup that we have (with no 
> cross +1 from another committer required) works quite well and I do not feel 
> that’s causing troubles. On the other hand reviewing bottleneck is. 
> 2.
>> I think a committer should know when to ask another committer for feedback 
>> or not.
> I’m missing this stated somewhere clearly. If we are stating that a single 
> committers +1 is good enough for code review, with 0 hours delay (de facto 
> the current state), we should also write down that this is subject to the 
> best judgement of the committer to respect the components expertise and 
> ongoing development plans (also the de facto current state).
> 3.
> Minimum length of 3 days for FLIP I think currently might be problematic/too 
> quick and can lead to problems if respected to the letter. Again I think it 
> depends highly on whether the committers with highest expertise in the 
> affected components managed to respond or not. 
> Piotrek
>> On 12 Jul 2019, at 09:42, Chesnay Schepler <ches...@apache.org> wrote:
>> I'm wondering whether we shouldn't first write down Bylaws that reflect the 
>> current state, and then have separate discussions for individual amendments. 
>> My gut feeling is that this discussion will quickly become a chaotic mess 
>> with plenty points being discussed at once.
>> On 11/07/2019 20:03, Bowen Li wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 10:38 AM Becket Qin <becket....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Thanks everyone for all the comments and feedback. Please see the replies
>>>> below:
>>>> --------------------------------
>>>> Re: Konstantin
>>>>> * In addition to a simple "Code Change" we could also add a row for "Code
>>>>> Change requiring a FLIP" with a reference to the FLIP process page. A
>>>> FLIP
>>>>> will have/does have different rules for approvals, etc.
>>>> Good point. Just added the entry.
>>>> -------------------------------
>>>> Re: Konstantin
>>>>> * For "Code Change" the draft currently requires "one +1 from a committer
>>>>> who has not authored the patch followed by a Lazy approval (not counting
>>>>> the vote of the contributor), moving to lazy majority if a -1 is
>>>> received".
>>>>> In my understanding this means, that a committer always needs a review
>>>> and
>>>>> +1 from another committer. As far as I know this is currently not always
>>>>> the case (often committer authors, contributor reviews & +1s).
>>>> I think it is worth thinking about how we can make it easy to follow the
>>>>> bylaws e.g. by having more Flink-specific Jira workflows and ticket
>>>> types +
>>>>> corresponding permissions. While this is certainly "Step 2", I believe,
>>>> we
>>>>> really need to make it as easy & transparent as possible, otherwise they
>>>>> will be unintentionally broken.
>>>> & Re: Till
>>>>> For the case of a committer being the author and getting a +1 from a
>>>>> non-committer: I think a committer should know when to ask another
>>>>> committer for feedback or not. Hence, I would not enforce that we
>>>> strictly
>>>>> need a +1 from a committer if the author is a committer but of course
>>>>> encourage it if capacities exist.
>>>> I am with Robert and Aljoscha on this.
>>>> I completely understand the concern here. TBH, in Kafka occasionally
>>>> trivial patches from committers are still merged without following the
>>>> cross-review requirement, but it is rare. That said, I still think an
>>>> additional committer's review makes sense due to the following reasons:
>>>> 1. The bottom line here is that we need to make sure every patch is
>>>> reviewed with a high quality. This is a little difficult to guarantee if
>>>> the review comes from a contributor for many reasons. In some cases, a
>>>> contributor may not have enough knowledge about the project to make a good
>>>> judgement. Also sometimes the contributors are more eagerly to get a
>>>> particular issue fixed, so they are willing to lower the review bar.
>>>> 2. One byproduct of such cross review among committers, which I personally
>>>> feel useful, is that it helps gradually form consistent design principles
>>>> and code style. This is because the committers will know how the other
>>>> committers are writing code and learn from each other. So they tend to
>>>> reach some tacit understanding on how things should be done in general.
>>>> Another way to think about this is to consider the following two scenarios:
>>>> 1. Reviewing a committer's patch takes a lot of iterations. Then the patch
>>>> needs to be reviewed even if it takes time because there are things
>>>> actually needs to be clarified / changed.
>>>> 2. Reviewing a committer's patch is very smooth and quick, so the patch is
>>>> merged soon. Then reviewing such a patch does not take much time.
>>>> Letting another committer review the patch from a committer falls either in
>>>> case 1 or case 2. The best option here is to review the patch because
>>>> If it is case 1, the patch actually needs to be reviewed.
>>>> If it is case 2, the review should not take much time anyways.
>>>> In the contrast, we will risk encounter case 1 if we skip the cross-review.
>>>> ------------------------
>>>> Re: Robert
>>>> I replied to your comments in the wiki and made the following modifications
>>>> to resolve some of your comments:
>>>> 1. Added a release manager role section.
>>>> 2. changed the name of "lazy consensus" to "consensus" to align with
>>>> general definition of Apache glossary and other projects.
>>>> 3. review board  -> pull request
>>>> -------------------------
>>>> Re: Chesnay
>>>> The emeritus stuff seems like unnecessary noise.
>>>> As Till mentioned, this is to make sure 2/3 majority is still feasible in
>>>> practice.
>>>> There's a bunch of subtle changes in the draft compared to existing
>>>>> "conventions"; we should find a way to highlight these and discuss them
>>>>> one by one.
>>>> That is a good suggestion. I am not familiar enough with the current Flink
>>>> convention. Will you help on this? I saw you commented on some part in the
>>>> wiki. Are those complete?
>>>> --------------------------
>>>> Re: Aljoscha
>>>> How different is this from the Kafka bylaws? I’m asking because I quite
>>>>> like them and wouldn’t mind essentially adopting the Kafka bylaws. I
>>>> mean,
>>>>> it’s open source, and we don’t have to try to re-invent the wheel here.
>>>> Ha, you got me on this. The first version of the draft was almost identical
>>>> to Kafka. But Robert has already caught a few inconsistent places. So it
>>>> might still worth going through it to make sure we truly agree on them.
>>>> Otherwise we may end up modifying them shortly after adoption.
>>>> Thanks again folks, for all the valuable feedback. These are great
>>>> discussion.
>>>> Jiangjie (Becket) Qin
>>>> On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 9:55 PM Aljoscha Krettek <aljos...@apache.org>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Big +1
>>>>> How different is this from the Kafka bylaws? I’m asking because I quite
>>>>> like them and wouldn’t mind essentially adopting the Kafka bylaws. I
>>>> mean,
>>>>> it’s open source, and we don’t have to try to re-invent the wheel here.
>>>>> I think it’s worthwhile to discuss the “committer +1” requirement. We
>>>>> don’t usually have that now but I would actually be in favour of
>>>> requiring
>>>>> it, although it might make stuff more complicated.
>>>>> Aljoscha
>>>>>> On 11. Jul 2019, at 15:31, Till Rohrmann <trohrm...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks a lot for creating this draft Becket.
>>>>>> I think without the notion of emeritus (or active vs. inactive), it
>>>> won't
>>>>>> be possible to have a 2/3 majority vote because we already have too
>>>> many
>>>>>> inactive PMCs/committers.
>>>>>> For the case of a committer being the author and getting a +1 from a
>>>>>> non-committer: I think a committer should know when to ask another
>>>>>> committer for feedback or not. Hence, I would not enforce that we
>>>>> strictly
>>>>>> need a +1 from a committer if the author is a committer but of course
>>>>>> encourage it if capacities exist.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Till
>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 3:08 PM Chesnay Schepler <ches...@apache.org>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> The emeritus stuff seems like unnecessary noise.
>>>>>>> There's a bunch of subtle changes in the draft compared to existing
>>>>>>> "conventions"; we should find a way to highlight these and discuss
>>>> them
>>>>>>> one by one.
>>>>>>> On 11/07/2019 14:29, Robert Metzger wrote:
>>>>>>>> Thank you Becket for kicking off this discussion and creating a draft
>>>>> in
>>>>>>>> the Wiki.
>>>>>>>> I left some comments in the wiki.
>>>>>>>> In my understanding this means, that a committer always needs a
>>>> review
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> +1 from another committer. As far as I know this is currently not
>>>>> always
>>>>>>>>> the case (often committer authors, contributor reviews & +1s).
>>>>>>>> I would agree to add such a bylaw, if we had cases in the past where
>>>>> code
>>>>>>>> was not sufficiently reviewed AND we believe that we have enough
>>>>> capacity
>>>>>>>> to ensure a separate committer's approval.
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 9:49 AM Konstantin Knauf <
>>>>>>> konstan...@ververica.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>> thanks a lot for driving this, Becket. I have two remarks regarding
>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> "Actions" section:
>>>>>>>>> * In addition to a simple "Code Change" we could also add a row for
>>>>>>> "Code
>>>>>>>>> Change requiring a FLIP" with a reference to the FLIP process page.
>>>> A
>>>>>>> FLIP
>>>>>>>>> will have/does have different rules for approvals, etc.
>>>>>>>>> * For "Code Change" the draft currently requires "one +1 from a
>>>>>>> committer
>>>>>>>>> who has not authored the patch followed by a Lazy approval (not
>>>>> counting
>>>>>>>>> the vote of the contributor), moving to lazy majority if a -1 is
>>>>>>> received".
>>>>>>>>> In my understanding this means, that a committer always needs a
>>>> review
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> +1 from another committer. As far as I know this is currently not
>>>>> always
>>>>>>>>> the case (often committer authors, contributor reviews & +1s).
>>>>>>>>> I think it is worth thinking about how we can make it easy to follow
>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> bylaws e.g. by having more Flink-specific Jira workflows and ticket
>>>>>>> types +
>>>>>>>>> corresponding permissions. While this is certainly "Step 2", I
>>>>> believe,
>>>>>>> we
>>>>>>>>> really need to make it as easy & transparent as possible, otherwise
>>>>> they
>>>>>>>>> will be unintentionally broken.
>>>>>>>>> Cheers and thanks,
>>>>>>>>> Konstantin
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 9:10 AM Becket Qin <becket....@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>> As it was raised in the FLIP process discussion thread [1],
>>>> currently
>>>>>>>>> Flink
>>>>>>>>>> does not have official bylaws to govern the operation of the
>>>> project.
>>>>>>>>> Such
>>>>>>>>>> bylaws are critical for the community to coordinate and contribute
>>>>>>>>>> together. It is also the basis of other processes such as FLIP.
>>>>>>>>>> I have drafted a Flink bylaws page and would like to start a
>>>>> discussion
>>>>>>>>>> thread on this.
>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=120731026
>>>>>>>>>> The bylaws will affect everyone in the community. It'll be great to
>>>>>>> hear
>>>>>>>>>> your thoughts.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Jiangjie (Becket) Qin
>>>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>> http://apache-flink-mailing-list-archive.1008284.n3.nabble.com/DISCUSS-META-FLIP-Sticking-or-not-to-a-strict-FLIP-voting-process-td29978.html#none
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Konstantin Knauf | Solutions Architect
>>>>>>>>> +49 160 91394525
>>>>>>>>> Planned Absences: 10.08.2019 - 31.08.2019, 05.09. - 06.09.2010
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Ververica GmbH | Invalidenstrasse 115, 10115 Berlin, Germany
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Ververica GmbH
>>>>>>>>> Registered at Amtsgericht Charlottenburg: HRB 158244 B
>>>>>>>>> Managing Directors: Dr. Kostas Tzoumas, Dr. Stephan Ewen

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