MalcolmSanders created FLINK-11811:

             Summary: Implement etcd based RunningJobsRegistry and 
                 Key: FLINK-11811
             Project: Flink
          Issue Type: Sub-task
          Components: Runtime / Coordination
            Reporter: MalcolmSanders
            Assignee: MalcolmSanders

Zookeeper based RunningJobsRegistry uses zookeeper as a key-value store to keep 
the latest job statuses using persistent zookeeper nodes. So etcd based 
RunningJobsRegistry can use io.etcd.jetcd.KV to achieve the same goal.

Zookeeper based SubmittedJobGraphStore applies ZooKeeperStateHandleStore to 
store submitted each job graph in a dfs file while records its metadata, such 
as dfs location, to a zookeeper node in a zookeeper directory. etcd based 
SubmittedJobGraphStore will use EtcdSubmittedJobGraphStore to fulfill the 

In addition, SubmittedJobGraphStore needs to watch this zookeeper directory to 
get notifications once znodes in such directory is created or deleted. Previous 
etcd API io.etcd.jetcd.Watch can watch a key as prefix by setting 
io.etcd.jetcd.options.WatchOption#withPrefix() which is just like watching a 
directory in zookeeper.

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