Hi all,

I recently encountered a question while reading the Flink code.

In my understanding, `RunAsync` and `CallAsync` are classes for local
invocations to `AkkaRpcActor`, and should only be used locally.

However, `CallAsync` implements `Serializable`, but  `RunAsync` not. And
`AkkaRpcActor` will check the callable in  `CallAsync` and runnable in
`Serializable` if it's null or not.

My question is:
1, if we just use `RunAsync` and `CallAsync` locally, why `CallAsync`
implements `Serializable` ?
2, if we need they are serializable, why `RunAsync` does not implements
`Serializable`. Did we just forget that?

I have created a jira ticket:
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-11655, and would like to fix
that if someone would guide me here.


Benchao Li
School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University
Email: libenc...@gmail.com; libenc...@pku.edu.cn

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