nvm, it does indeed affect behavior :/

On 23.01.2019 10:08, Chesnay Schepler wrote:
Just to make sure, this issue does not actually affect the behavior, does it? Since we only use these as a filter for reporters to activate.

On 21.01.2019 18:22, Matthieu Bonneviot wrote:

I don't have the jira permission but If you grant me the permission I could
contribute to fix the following issue:
When using java 11, "metrics.reporters" configuration has to be provided
for reporters to be taken into account.

The desired behavior:
The MetricRegistryConfiguration looks for a conf like "metrics.reporters =
foo,bar", if not found: all reporters that could be found in the
configuration will be started.

In the code is it done by
Set<String> includedReporters =
reporterListPattern.splitAsStream(includedReportersString).collect(Collectors.toSet()); https://github.com/apache/flink/blob/master/flink-runtime/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/runtime/metrics/MetricRegistryConfiguration.java#L134

Definition of splitAsStream: If this pattern does not match any subsequence
of the input then the resulting stream has just one element, namely the
input sequence in string form.
It means  reporterListPattern.splitAsStream("") should return "" and so
includedReporters should have size 1 with "" as unique element

However there is a misbehavior in some version of java 8, it does return
empty stream.
But working with java 11, the further code does not work: if
(includedReporters.isEmpty() || includedReporters.contains(reporterName)) https://github.com/apache/flink/blob/master/flink-runtime/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/runtime/metrics/MetricRegistryConfiguration.java#L145

I would suggest to filter empty string:
Set<String> includedReporters =
reporterListPattern.splitAsStream(includedReportersString).*filter(s ->

Matthieu Bonneviot

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