Paul Lin created FLINK-10943:

             Summary: Flink runtime test failed caused by curator dependency 
                 Key: FLINK-10943
             Project: Flink
          Issue Type: Improvement
          Components: Build System, Tests
    Affects Versions: 1.6.2, 1.5.5
            Reporter: Paul Lin

Hadoop-common of 2.6 + version includes curator dependencies, which would have 
conflicts with the curator used by Flink runtime and cause test failures (the 
attachment is the surefire report). 

Note that the curator-recipes dependency introduced in hadoop-common (of 
flink-shaded-hadoop2) is omitted because the same dependency that exists in the 
flink-shaded-curator module has a shorter path to the dependency root, but the 
curator-client dependencies in these two modules have the same length of path, 
just as below:


flink-shaded-hadoop2 -> hadoop-common -> curator-client & curator-recipes

flink-shaded-curator -> curator-recipes -> curator-client


So maven would pick the first curator-client, the one in flink-shaded-hadoop2.

To fix this problem I think we can simply exclude curator-client from 
flink-shaded-hadoop2 dependency in flink-runtime, or switch the dependency to 
flink-shaded-hadoop which has relocated its curator dependencies.

I'd like to fix this problem, please let me know what you think. Thanks!


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