Hi Tony,

I see the corresponding JIRA[1] and it looks like you don't attach it an
mail list. I would do it for you and wonder if you ask for contributor bit
to assign the JIRA to yourself.

For the topic I give some comments on the JIRA and briefly, I am open if we
can take advantage of current somehow ignored ResourceProfile APIs.

Anyway, welcome on board!


[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-10640

宋辛童(五藏) <xintong....@alibaba-inc.com> 于2018年10月22日周一 下午6:39写道:

> Hi all,
> We are planing to do some works related to
> Flink’s resource management. Precisely, we are trying to enable 
> ResourceProfile-based resource management.
> Here is a brief description of our key ideas. Please let me know how you
> think about this.
> Thank You,
> Tony Xintong Song

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