
I'm working on the Apache Beam <https://beam.apache.org/> portability story
and trying to figure out how we can get the Flink runner to support
the new portability
API <https://beam.apache.org/contribute/portability/>.

In order to get the runner to work with portable SDKs, we need to be able
to spin up and manage user containers from the TaskManagers themselves. All
communication with user code (effectively user-defined functions) happens
over RPC endpoints between the container and the Flink worker threads.
Unfortunately, we cannot assume that the container images themselves are
small or that they are cheap to start up. For this reason, we cannot
reasonably start and stop these external services once per task (e.g., by
wrapping service lifetimes within mapPartions). In order to support
multiple jobs per JVM (either due to multiple task slots per manager or
multiple jobs submitted to a cluster serially) , we need to know when to
clean up resources associated with a particular job.

Is there a way to do this in user code? Ideally, this would be something
like a set of per-job startup and shutdown hooks that execute on each
TaskManager that a particular job runs on. If this does not currently
exist, how reasonable would it be to introduce client-facing APIs that
would allow it? Is there a better approach for this lifecycle management
that better fits into the Flink execution model?


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