My stream is producing records of type *Tuple2<String,String>* *.toString()* output *(usr12345,{"_key":"usr12345","_temperature":46.6})* where the key is *usr12345* and value is *{"_key":"usr12345","_temperature":46.6}* The *.print()* on the stream outputs the value correctly: *(usr12345,{"_key":"usr12345","_temperature":46.6})* But when I write the stream to Kafka the key becomes *" usr12345"* and the value *"({"_key":"usr12345","_temperature":46.6}"* Notice the space at the beginning of the key and the left parenthesis at the beginning of the value. Very strange. Why this might happen?
Here is the serialization code: *TypeInformation<String> resultType = TypeInformation.of(String.class); KeyedSerializationSchema<Tuple2<String, String>> schema = new TypeInformationKeyValueSerializationSchema<>(resultType, resultType, env.getConfig()); FlinkKafkaProducer010.FlinkKafkaProducer010Configuration flinkKafkaProducerConfig = FlinkKafkaProducer010.writeToKafkaWithTimestamps( stream, "topic", schema, kafkaProducerProperties);* -- View this message in context: Sent from the Apache Flink Mailing List archive. mailing list archive at