
Since we switched to Java 8, I would like to start a discussion about a 
deprecating usage of @Nullable parameters and return values in Flink and 
enforcing strict ban on nulls in those places. I just think that having a very 
explicit way, enforced by a static type checking mechanism of optional values 
is just so much better and safer compared to constantly thinking if the value 
that you have can be a null or it can not. 

Personally I would go even one step further and I would ban nulls as 
fields/local variables and always use in those cases Optional, with a very rare 
exceptions for performance reasons. This however has two drawbacks:

1. Optional was not intended by the Java committee to be used on fields. I 
don’t why, because for me it is just better compared to handling nulls.
2. Optional is not serializable (that’s the collateral damage caused by 1.). 
Thus in many places for fields we would have to use our own custom 

Regardless of using Optional for a fields as well, transition from Nullable to 
Optional should be fairly simple. We could go module by module deprecating old 
methods taking @Nullable and replacing them with overloaded Optional versions. 
The only issue is that in the short term it could confuse a little bit users, 
if we present them two versions of methods and with inconsistency between 
modules. However I think it’s worth it in the long term.

As a side note it is also easier to maintain the ban on nulls, compared to 
putting @Nullable annotation in appropriate places. With Optional, reviewer 
could always immediately spot each usage of “null". With @Nullable, if new pull 
request adds some invocation of a method:

foo.bar(arg1, null, arg3);

It is impossible to know whether it is allowed, without going to the 
implementation of the method and checking for presence or lack of the 
annotation. Thus we have some places in the code where there are 
undocumented/not annotated @Nullable fields/parameters (even in the public api).

What do you think?


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