The Apache Flink community is pleased to announce the release of Apache
Flink-shaded 1.0.
The flink-shaded project contains a number of shaded dependencies for
Apache Flink.
This release includes asm-all:5.0.4, guava:18.0, netty-all:4.0.27-FINAL
and netty-router:1.10 . Note that netty-all and netty-router are bundled
as a single dependency.
For more information about flink-shaded, see
The release is available for download at:
Special thanks to Robert Metzger for helping me out with setting up
flink-shaded and walking me through the release process.
PS: The maven artifacts have been available for 2 weeks already, but
there were some problems with uploading the release to,
hence the delay of the announcement.