Thanks Stavros (and everybody else involved) for starting this effort and
bringing the discussion back to the mailing list.

As I said before, a model serving module/component would be a great feature
for Flink.
I see the biggest advantage for such a module in the integration with the
other APIs and libraries, such as DataStream, CEP, SQL.

A FLIP would be a great way to continue your efforts and work on a design
for the component.

However, we should keep in mind that we need a committer to bootstrap the
new module.
As people are contributing to the model serving module, the number of
committers should hopefully grow after some time.

Best, Fabian

2017-06-30 10:58 GMT+02:00 Stavros Kontopoulos <>:

> Hi all,
> After coordinating with Theodore Vasiloudis and the guys behind the Flink
> Model Serving effort (Eron, Radicalbit people, Boris, Bas (ING)), we
> propose to start working on the model serving over Flink in a more official
> way.
> That translates to capturing design details in a FLIP document.
> Please let's discuss and vote whether you think this FLIP would be viable.
> Model Serving as a Flink component might involve a lot of work and we need
> to commit to support it in future Flink releases.
> In the mean time a lot of people have joined Flink ml slack channel (
>, and I
> think its time to try get them gradually on board.
> So far we have several efforts hosted here:
> Related documents for what we are doing:
> Flink ML roadmap
> d06MIRhahtJ6dw/edit
> Flink MS
> fdEXPsPYPEywsE/edit#
> PS. I will work on the last document the next few days to consolidate
> effort results to some extend and break work down.
> Our target is to provide a generic API based on some plugin architecture to
> serve different popular models/pipelines along with custom ones over flink.
> Best,
> Stavros

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