  I am a beginner with Apache Flink. I am trying to write to Kafka through
a file and read the data from kafka. I see there is an API to read from and
write to kafka.

The following writes to kafka
FlinkKafkaProducer08<String> myProducer = new FlinkKafkaProducer08<String>(
            "localhost:9092",            // broker list
            "my-topic",                  // target topic
            new SimpleStringSchema());   // serialization schema

Is there any API which takes input as file and writes the file content to
kafka ?

My second question
I have run the kafka producer on the terminal
I am trying to read from kafka using the below code. But this doesn't print
any output though I am giving some input in the producer terminal.
The program quickly executes comes out. Please let me know how I can read
from kafka ?

 DataStream<String> data = env.addSource(new
FlinkKafkaConsumer010<String>("myTopic",new SimpleStringSchema(),

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