It looks like Jetbrains TeamCity supports something in that direction:

On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 2:40 PM, Timo Walther <> wrote:

> Another solution would be to make the Travis builds more efficient. For
> example, we could write a script that determines the modified Maven module
> and only run the test for this module (and maybe transitive dependencies).
> PRs for libraries such as Gelly, Table, CEP or connectors would not trigger
> a compilation of the entire stack anymore. Of course this would not solve
> all problems but many of it.
> What do you think about this?
> Am 20/03/17 um 14:02 schrieb Robert Metzger:
> Aljoscha, do you know how to configure jenkins?
>> Is Apache INFRA doing that, or are the beam people doing that themselves?
>> One downside of Jenkins is that we probably need some machines that
>> execute
>> the tests. A Travis container has 2 CPU cores and 4 GB main memory. We
>> currently have 10 such containers available on travis concurrently. I
>> think
>> we would need at least the same amount on Jenkins.
>> On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 1:48 PM, Timo Walther <> wrote:
>> I agress with Aljoscha that we might consider moving from Jenkins to
>>> Travis. Is there any disadvantage in using Jenkins?
>>> I think we should structure the project according to release management
>>> (e.g. more frequent releases of libraries) or other criteria (e.g. core
>>> and
>>> non-core) instead of build time. What would happen if the built of
>>> another
>>> submodule would become too long, would we split/restructure again and
>>> again? If Jenkins solves all our problems we should use it.
>>> Regards,
>>> Timo
>>> Am 20/03/17 um 12:21 schrieb Aljoscha Krettek:
>>> I prefer Jenkins to Travis by far. Working on Beam, where we have good
>>>> Jenkins integration, has opened my eyes to what is possible with good CI
>>>> integration.
>>>> For example, look at this recent Beam PR:
>>>> /pull/2263 <>. The
>>>> Jenkins-Github integration will tell you exactly which tests failed and
>>>> if
>>>> you click on the links you can look at the log output/std out of the
>>>> tests
>>>> in question.
>>>> This is the overview page of one of the Jenkins Jobs that we have in
>>>> Beam:
>>>> nService_Flink/ <
>>>> /beam_PostCommit_Java_RunnableOnService_Flink/>. This is an example of
>>>> a
>>>> stable build:
>>>> beam_PostCommit_Java_RunnableOnService_Flink/lastStableBuild/ <
>>>> OnService_Flink/lastStableBuild/>. Notice how it gives you fine grained
>>>> information about the Maven run. This is an unstable run:
>>>> nService_Flink/lastUnstableBuild/ <
>>>> /beam_PostCommit_Java_RunnableOnService_Flink/lastUnstableBuild/>.
>>>> There
>>>> you can see which tests failed and you can easily drill down.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Aljoscha
>>>> On 20 Mar 2017, at 11:46, Robert Metzger <> wrote:
>>>>> Thank you for looking into the build times.
>>>>> I didn't know that the build time situation is so bad. Even with yarn,
>>>>> mesos, connectors and libraries removed, we are still running into the
>>>>> build timeout :(
>>>>> Aljoscha told me that the Beam community is using Jenkins for running
>>>>> the tests, and they are planning to completely move away from Travis. I
>>>>> wonder whether we should do the same, as having our own Jenkins servers
>>>>> would allow us to run tests for more than 50 minutes.
>>>>> I agree with Stephan that we should keep the yarn and mesos tests in
>>>>> the
>>>>> core for stability / testing quality purposes.
>>>>> On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 11:27 AM, Stephan Ewen <
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> @Greg
>>>>> I am personally in favor of splitting "connectors" and "contrib" out as
>>>>> well. I know that @rmetzger has some reservations about the connectors,
>>>>> but
>>>>> we may be able to convince him.
>>>>> For the cluster tests (yarn / mesos) - in the past there were many
>>>>> cases
>>>>> where these tests caught cases that other tests did not, because they
>>>>> are
>>>>> the only tests that actually use the "flink-dist.jar" and thus discover
>>>>> many dependency and configuration issues. For that reason, my feeling
>>>>> would
>>>>> be that they are valuable in the core repository.
>>>>> I would actually suggest to do only the library split initially, to see
>>>>> what the challenges are in setting up the multi-repo build and release
>>>>> tooling. Once we gathered experience there, we can probably easily see
>>>>> what
>>>>> else we can split out.
>>>>> Stephan
>>>>> On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 8:37 PM, Greg Hogan <
>>>>> <mailto:
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I’d like to use this refactoring opportunity to unspilt the Travis
>>>>> tests.
>>>>>> With 51 builds queued up for the weekend (some of which may fail or
>>>>>> have
>>>>>> been force pushed) we are at the limit of the number of contributions
>>>>>> we
>>>>>> can process. Fixing this requires 1) splitting the project, 2)
>>>>>> investigating speedups for long-running tests, and 3) staying
>>>>>> cognizant
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> test performance when accepting new code.
>>>>>> I’d like to add one to Stephan’s list of module group. I like that the
>>>>>> modules are generic (“libraries”) so that no one module is alone and
>>>>>> independent.
>>>>>> Flink has three “libraries”: cep, ml, and gelly.
>>>>>> “connectors” is a hotspot due to the long-running Kafka tests (and
>>>>>> connectors for three Kafka versions).
>>>>>> Both flink-storm and flink-python have a modest number of number of
>>>>>> tests
>>>>>> and could live with the miscellaneous modules in “contrib”.
>>>>>> The YARN tests are long-running and problematic (I am unable to
>>>>>> successfully run these locally). A “cluster” module could host
>>>>>> flink-mesos,
>>>>>> flink-yarn, and flink-yarn-tests.
>>>>>> That gets us close to running all tests in a single Travis build.
>>>>>> <
>>>>>>> <
>>>>>> <
>>>>>> I also tested (
>>>>>> <
>>>>>>> <
>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>>) with a maven
>>>>>> parallelism of 2 and 4, with the latter a 6.4% drop in build time.
>>>>>> <
>>>>>>> <
>>>>>> <
>>>>>> <
>>>>>>> <
>>>>>> <
>>>>>> We can run Travis CI builds nightly to guard against breaking changes.
>>>>>> I also wanted to get an idea of how disruptive it would be to
>>>>>> developers
>>>>>> to divide the project into multiple git repos. I wrote a simple python
>>>>>> script and configured it with the module partitions listed above. The
>>>>>> usage
>>>>>> string from the top of the file lists commits with files from multiple
>>>>>> partitions and well as the modified files.
>>>>>> ac4897 <
>>>>>>> <
>>>>>> <
>>>>>> Accounting for the merging of the batch and streaming connector
>>>>>> modules,
>>>>>> and assuming that the project structure has not changed much over the
>>>>>> past
>>>>>> 15 months, for the following date ranges the listed number of commits
>>>>>> would
>>>>>> have been split across repositories.
>>>>>> since "2017-01-01"
>>>>>> 36 of 571 commits were mixed
>>>>>> since "2016-07-01"
>>>>>> 155 of 1607 commits were mixed
>>>>>> since "2016-01-01"
>>>>>> 272 of 2561 commits were mixed
>>>>>> Greg
>>>>>> On Mar 15, 2017, at 1:13 PM, Stephan Ewen < <mailto:
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> @Robert - I think once we know that a separate git repo works well,
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> that it actually solves problems, I see no reason to not create a
>>>>>>> connectors repository later. The infrastructure changes should be
>>>>>>> identical
>>>>>> for two or more repositories.
>>>>>>> On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 5:22 PM, Till Rohrmann <
>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I think it should not be at least the flink-dist but exactly the
>>>>>>> remaining
>>>>>>> flink-dist module. Otherwise we do redundant work.
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 5:03 PM, Robert Metzger <
>>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> "flink-core" means the main repository, not the "flink-core" module.
>>>>>>>>> When doing a release, we need to build the flink main code first,
>>>>>>>>> because
>>>>>>> the flink-libraries depend on that.
>>>>>>>> Once the "flink-libraries" are build, we need to run the main build
>>>>>>>>> again
>>>>>>> (at least the flink-dist module), so that it is pulling the artifacts
>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>> the flink-libraries to put them into the opt/ folder of the final
>>>>>>>>> artifact.
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 4:44 PM, Till Rohrmann <
>>>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I'm ok with point 3.
>>>>>>>>>> Concerning point 8: Why do we have to build flink-core twice after
>>>>>>>>>> having
>>>>>>>>> it built as a dependency for flink-libraries? This seems wrong to
>>>>>>>>> me.
>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>> Till
>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 4:23 PM, Robert Metzger <
>>>>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Thank you. Running on AWS is a good idea!
>>>>>>>>>>> Let me know if you (or anybody else) wants to help me with the
>>>>>>>>>>> infrastructure work! Any help is much appreciated (as I've said
>>>>>>>>>>> before, I
>>>>>>>>>> don't really have time for doing this, but it has to be done :) )
>>>>>>>>>>> I'm against creating two new repositories. I fear that this
>>>>>>>>>>> introduces
>>>>>>>>> too
>>>>>>>>>> much complexity and too many repositories.
>>>>>>>>>>> "flink" and "flink-libraries" are hopefully enough to get the
>>>>>>>>>>> build
>>>>>>>>>>> time
>>>>>>>>>> significantly down.
>>>>>>>>>>> We can also consider putting the connectors into the
>>>>>>>>>>> "flink-libraries"
>>>>>>>>> repo
>>>>>>>>>> if we need to further reduce the build time.
>>>>>>>>>>> We should probably move "flink-table" of out "flink-libraries" if
>>>>>>>>>>> we
>>>>>>>>>>> want
>>>>>>>>>> to keep "flink-table" in the main repo. (This would eliminate the
>>>>>>>>>>> "flink-libraries" module from main.
>>>>>>>>>>> Also, I agree that "flink-statebackend-rocksdb" is not correctly
>>>>>>>>>>> placed
>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>> contrib anymore.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 4:07 PM, Greg Hogan <
>>>>>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Robert, appreciate your kickstarting this task.
>>>>>>>>>>> We should compare the verification time with and without the
>>>>>>>>>>>> listed
>>>>>>>>>>>> modules. I’ll try to run this by tomorrow on AWS and on Travis.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Should we maintain separate repos for flink-contrib and
>>>>>>>>>>>> flink-libraries?
>>>>>>>>>>> Are you intending that we move flink-table out of flink-libraries
>>>>>>>>>>> (and
>>>>>>>>>> perhaps flink-statebackend-rocksdb out of flink-contrib)?
>>>>>>>>>>> Greg
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mar 15, 2017, at 9:55 AM, Robert Metzger <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you for looking into this Till.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think we then have to split the repositories.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> My main motivation for doing this is that it seems to be the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>>>>>>>> feasible
>>>>>>>>>>>> way of scaling the community to allow more committers working on
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> libraries.
>>>>>>>>>>> I'll take care of getting things started.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> As the next steps I propose to:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Ask INFRA to rename <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> repos/asf?p=flink-
>>>>>>>>>>>> connectors.git;a=summary to "flink-libraries"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Ask INFRA to set up GitHub and travis integration for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "flink-libraries"
>>>>>>>>>>>> 3. Put the code of "flink-ml", "flink-gelly", "flink-python",
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "flink-cep",
>>>>>>>>>>>> "flink-scala-shell", "flink-storm" into the new repository. (I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> decided
>>>>>>>>>>> against moving flink-contrib there, because rocksdb is in the
>>>>>>>>>>>> contrib
>>>>>>>>>>> module, for flink-table, I'm undecided, but I kept it in the main
>>>>>>>>>>> repo
>>>>>>>>>>> because its probably going to interact more with the core code in
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> future)
>>>>>>>>>>> I try to preserve the history of those modules when splitting
>>>>>>>>>>>>> them
>>>>>>>>>>> into
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> new repo
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4. I'll close all pull requests against those modules in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> main
>>>>>>>>>>>>> repo.
>>>>>>>>>>> 5. I'll set up a minimal documentation page for the library
>>>>>>>>>>>> repository,
>>>>>>>>>>> similar to the main documentation.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 6. I'll update the documentation build process to build both
>>>>>>>>>>>>> documentations
>>>>>>>>>>>> & link them to each other
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 7. I'll update the nightly deployment process to include both
>>>>>>>>>>>>> repositories
>>>>>>>>>>>> 8. I'll update the release script to create the Flink release
>>>>>>>>>>>>> out
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>> both
>>>>>>>>>>> repositories. In order to put the libraries into the opt/ dir of
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> release, I'll need to change the build of "flink-dist" so that it
>>>>>>>>>>> first
>>>>>>>>>>> builds flink core, then the libraries and then the core again
>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> libraries as an additional dependency.
>>>>>>>>>>>> The main question for the community is: do you agree with point
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3 ?
>>>>>>>>>>> Would
>>>>>>>>>> you like to include more or less?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll start with 1. and 2. tomorrow morning.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 1:48 PM, Till Rohrmann <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> In theory we could have a merging bot which solves the problem
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> "commit window". Once the PR passes all tests and has enough
>>>>>>>>>>>> +1s,
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> bot
>>>>>>>>>>>> could do the merging and, thus, it effectively linearizes the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> merge
>>>>>>>>>>>> process.
>>>>>>>>>>> I think the second point is actually a disadvantage because
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there
>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>> such an immediate incentive/pressure to fix the broken module if
>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>> lives
>>>>>>>>>>> in a separate repository. Furthermore, breaking API changes in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> core
>>>>>>>>>> will most likely go unnoticed for some time in other modules
>>>>>>>>>>>>> which
>>>>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>> developed so actively. In the worst case these things will only
>>>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>>>> noticed
>>>>>>>>>> when we try to make a release.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But I also agree that we are not Google and we don't have the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> capacities to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> maintain such a smooth a build process that we can keep all the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> code
>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>> single repository.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I looked a bit into Gradle and as far as I can tell it offers
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>>>>>>> nice
>>>>>>>>>> features wrt incrementally building projects. This would be
>>>>>>>>>>>>> beneficial
>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>> local development but it would not solve our build time problems
>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>> Travis.
>>>>>>>>>>> Gradle intends to introduce a task result cache which allows to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> reuse
>>>>>>>>>>>> results across builds. This could help when building on Travis,
>>>>>>>>>>>> however, it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> is not yet fully implemented. Moreover, migrating from Maven to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gradle
>>>>>>>>>>>> won't come for free (there's simply no free lunch out there) and
>>>>>>>>>>>> we
>>>>>>>>>>>> might
>>>>>>>>>>> risk to introduce new bugs. Therefore, I would vote to split the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> repository
>>>>>>>>>>>>> in order to mitigate our current problems with Travis and the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> build
>>>>>>>>>>>> time in
>>>>>>>>>>> general. Whether to use a different build system or not can then
>>>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>>>> discussed as an orthogonal question.
>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Till
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 8:05 PM, Stephan Ewen <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Some other thoughts on how repository split would help. I am
>>>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sure
>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>> all of them, so please comment:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - There is less competition for a "commit window". It happens
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> lot
>>>>>>>>>> already that you run all tests and want to commit, but there
>>>>>>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>> commit
>>>>>>>>>>> in the meantime. You rebase, need to re-test, again commit in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> meantime.
>>>>>>>>>>     For a "linear" commit history, this may become a bottleneck
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eventually
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as well.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - There is less risk of broken master. If one
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> repository/modules
>>>>>>>>>>>>> breaks
>>>>>>>>>> its master, the others can still continue.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stephan
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 12:20 PM, Till Rohrmann <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for all your input. In order to wrap the discussion up
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> summarize the mentioned points:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The problem of increasing build times and complexity of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> project
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> has
>>>>>>>>>>>> been acknowledged. Ideally we would have everything in one
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> repository
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> using
>>>>>>>>>>>>> an incremental build tool. Since Maven does not properly
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> support
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>> we
>>>>>>>>>>>>> would have to switch our build tool to something like Gradle,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> example.
>>>>>>>>>>> Another option is introducing build profiles for different
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sets
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>> modules
>>>>>>>>>>> as well as separating integration and unit tests. The third
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> alternative
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would be creating sub-projects with their own repositories. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> actually
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> think that these two proposal are not necessarily exclusive
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>>>>> also make sense to have a separation between unit and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> integration
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tests
>>>>>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we split the respository.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The overall consensus seems to be that we don't want to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> split
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> community
>>>>>>>>>>> and want to keep everything under the same umbrella. I think
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> right way to go, because otherwise some parts of the project
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> could
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> become
>>>>>>>>>>> second class citizens. Given that and that we continue using
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maven,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>> still
>>>>>>>>>>>>> think that creating sub-projects for the libraries, for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> example,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> could
>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>>>>> beneficial. A split could reduce the project's complexity and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> make
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>> potentially easier for libraries to get actively developed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> main
>>>>>>>>>> concern is setting up the build infrastructure to aggregate
>>>>>>>>>>>> docs
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>> multiple repositories and making them publicly available.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Since I started this thread and I would really like to see
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Flink's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ML
>>>>>>>>>>> library being revived again, I'd volunteer investigating first
>>>>>>>>>>>>> whether
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> is doable establishing a proper incremental build for Flink.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>> should
>>>>>>>>>>>> not be possible, I will look into splitting the repository,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> first
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the libraries. I'll share my results with the community once
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> done
>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the investigation.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Till
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 3:50 PM, Robert Metzger <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> @Jin Mingjian: You can not use the paid travis version for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> open
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> source
>>>>>>>>>> projects. It only works for private repositories (at least
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> back
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then
>>>>>>>>>> when
>>>>>>>>>>>>> we've asked them about that).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @Stephan: I don't think that incremental builds will be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> available
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>> Maven anytime soon.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I agree that we need to fix the build time issue on Travis.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recently
>>>>>>>>>>> pushed a commit to use now three instead of two test groups.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But I don't think that this is feasible long-term solution.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If this discussion is only about reducing the build and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> introducing build profiles for different components as
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aljoscha
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suggested
>>>>>>>>>> would solve the problem Till mentioned.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also, if we decide that travis is not a good tool anymore
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> testing,
>>>>>>>>>>> I guess we can find a different solution. There are now
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> competitors
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>> Travis that might be willing to offer a paid plan for an open
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> source
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> project, or we set up our own infra on a server sponsored by
>>>>>>>>>>>>> one
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> contributing companies.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If we want to solve "community issues" with the change as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> well,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then
>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> think its work the effort of splitting up Flink into
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> different
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> repositories.
>>>>>>>>>> Splitting up repositories is not a trivial task in my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> opinion.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As
>>>>>>>>> others
>>>>>>>>>>> have mentioned before, we need to consider the following
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> things:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - How are we doing to build the documentation? Ideally every
>>>>>>>>>>> repo
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should
>>>>>>>>>>> contain its docs, so we would need to pull them together when
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> building
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> main docs.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - How do organize the dependencies? If we have library
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> repository
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> depend
>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> snapshot Flink versions, we need to make sure that the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> snapshot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> deployment
>>>>>>>>>> always works. This also means that people working on a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> library
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> repository
>>>>>>>>>> will pull from snapshot OR need to build first locally.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - We need to update the release scripts
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If we commit to do these changes, we need to assign at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> least
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> one
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> committer
>>>>>>>>>>> (yes, in this case we need somebody who can commit, for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> example
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>> updating the buildbot stuff) who volunteers to do the change.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I've done a lot of infrastructure work in the past, but I'm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> currently
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pretty booked with many other things, so I don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>> realistically
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> see
>>>>>>>>>> myself
>>>>>>>>>>>> doing that. Max who used to work on these things is taking
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time
>>>>>>>>>> off.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think we need, best case 3 days for the change, worst case
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> days.
>>>>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>>>>>>>> problem is that there are no "unit tests" for the infra
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stuff,

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