@Theodore: thanks for bringing the discussion together.
I think it's reasonable to go on all the three directions, just as you
suggested. I agree we should concentrate our efforts, but we can do a
low-effort evaluation of all the three.
I would like to volunteer for shepherding *Offline learning on
Streaming*. I am already working on related issues, and I believe I have
a fairly good overview on the streaming API and its limitations.
However, we need to find a good use-case to aim for, and I don't have
one in mind yet, so please help with that if you can. I absolutely agree
with Theodore, that setting the scope is the most important here.
We should find a simple use-case for incremental learning. As Flink is
really strong in low-latency data processing, the best would be a
use-case where rapidly adapting the model to new data provides a value.
We should also consider low-latency serving for such a use-case, as
there is not much use in fast model updates if we cannot serve the
predictions that fast. Of course, it's okay to simply implement offline
algorithms, but showcasing would be easier if we could add prediction
serving for the model in the same system.
What should be the way of work here? We could have sketches for the
separate projects in Gdocs, then the shepherds could make a proposal out
of it. Would that be feasible?
Thanks for your all insights. I also like the approach of aiming for new
and somewhat unexplored areas. I guess we can do that with both the
serving/evaluation and incremental training (that should be in scope of
the offline ML on streaming).
I agree GPU acceleration is an important issue, however it might be
out-of-scope for the prototypes of these new ML directions. What do you
Regarding your comments on the other thread, I'm really glad PMC is
working towards growing the community. This is crucial to have anything
merged in Flink while keeping the code quality. However, for the
prototypes, I'd prefer Theodore's suggestion, to do it in a separate
repository, to make initial development faster. After the prototypes
have proven their usability we could merge them, and continue working on
them inside the Flink repository. But we can decide that later.
On 2017-03-14 21:04, Stephan Ewen wrote:
Thanks Theo. Just wrote some comments on the other thread, but it looks
like you got it covered already.
Let me re-post what I think may help as input:
*Concerning Model Evaluation / Serving *
- My personal take is that the "model evaluation" over streams will be
happening in any case - there
is genuine interest in that and various users have built that
themselves already.
I would be a cool way to do something that has a very high chance of
being productionized by users soon.
- The model evaluation as one step of a streaming pipeline (classifying
events), followed by CEP (pattern detection)
or anomaly detection is a valuable use case on top of what pure model
serving systems usually do.
- A question I have not yet a good intuition on is whether the "model
evaluation" and the training part are so
different (one a good abstraction for model evaluation has been built)
that there is little cross coordination needed,
or whether there is potential in integrating them.
*Thoughts on the ML training library (DataSet API or DataStream API)*
- I honestly don't quite understand what the big difference will be in
targeting the batch or streaming API. You can use the
DataSet API in a quite low-level fashion (missing async iterations).
- There seems especially now to be a big trend towards deep learning (is
it just temporary or will this be the future?) and in
that space, little works without GPU acceleration.
- It is always easier to do something new than to be the n-th version of
something existing (sorry for the generic true-ism).
The later admittedly gives the "all in one integrated framework"
advantage (which can be a very strong argument indeed),
but the former attracts completely new communities and can often make
more impact with less effort.
- The "new" is not required to be "online learning", where Theo has
described some concerns well.
It can also be traditional ML re-imagined for "continuous
applications", as "continuous / incremental re-training" or so.
Even on the "model evaluation side", there is a lot of interesting
stuff as mentioned already, like ensembles, multi-armed bandits, ...
- It may be well worth tapping into the work of an existing library (like
tensorflow) for an easy fix to some hard problems (pre-existing
hardware integration, pre-existing optimized linear algebra solvers,
etc) and think about how such use cases would look like in
the context of typical Flink applications.
*A bit of engine background information that may help in the planning:*
- The DataStream API will in the future also support bounded data
computations explicitly (I say this not as a fact, but as
a strong believer that this is the right direction).
- Batch runtime execution has seen less focus recently, but seems to get
a bit more community focus, because some organizations
that contribute a lot want to use the batch side as well. For example
the effort on file-grained recovery will strengthen batch a lot already.
On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 1:38 PM, Theodore Vasiloudis <
theodoros.vasilou...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello all,
## Executive summary:
- Offline-on-streaming most popular, then online and model serving.
- Need shepherds to lead development/coordination of each task.
- I can shepherd online learning, need shepherds for the other two.
so from the people sharing their opinion it seems most people would like to
try out offline learning with the streaming API.
I also think this is an interesting option, but probably the most risky of
the bunch.
After that online learning and model serving seem to have around the same
amount of interest.
Given that, and the discussions we had in the Gdoc, here's what I recommend
as next actions:
*Offline on streaming: *Start by creating a design document, with an MVP
specification about what we
imagine such a library to look like and what we think should be possible
to do.
It should state clear goals and limitations; scoping the amount of work
more important at this point than specific engineering choices.
*Online learning: *If someone would like instead to work on online learning
I can help out there,
I have one student working on such a library right now, and I'm sure
at TU Berlin (Felix?) have similar efforts. Ideally we would like to
communicate with
them. Since this is a much more explored space, we could jump straight
into a technical
design document, (with scoping included of course) discussing
abstractions, and comparing
with existing frameworks.
*Model serving: *There will be a presentation at Flink Forward SF on such a
framework (Flink Tensorflow)
by Eron Wright [1]. My recommendation would be to communicate with the
author and see
if he would be interested in working together to generalize and extend
the framework.
For more research and resources on the topic see [2] or this
presentation [3], particularly the Clipper system.
In order to have some activity on each project I recommend we set a minimum
of 2 people willing to
contribute to each project.
If we "assign" people by top choice, that should be possible to do,
although my original plan was
to only work on two of the above, to avoid fragmentation. But given that
online learning will have work
being done by students as well, it should be possible to keep it running.
Next *I would like us to assign a "shepherd" for each of these tasks.* If
you are willing to coordinate the development
on one of these options, let us know here and you can take up the task of
coordinating with the rest of
of the people working on the task.
I would like to volunteer to coordinate the *Online learning *effort, since
I'm already supervising a student
working on this, and I'm currently developing such algorithms. I plan to
contribute to the offline on streaming
task as well, but not coordinate it.
So if someone would like to take the lead on Offline on streaming or Model
serving, let us know and
we can take it from there.
[1] http://sf.flink-forward.org/kb_sessions/introducing-flink-tensorflow/
[2] https://ucbrise.github.io/cs294-rise-fa16/prediction_serving.html
On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 6:55 PM, Stavros Kontopoulos <
st.kontopou...@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks Theodore,
I'd vote for
- Offline learning with Streaming API
- Low-latency prediction serving
Some comments...
Online learning
Good to have but my feeling is that it is not a strong requirement (if a
requirement at all) across the industry right now. May become hot in the
Offline learning with Streaming API:
Although it requires engine changes or extensions (feasibility is an
here), my understanding is that it reflects the industry common practice
(train every few minutes at most) and it would be great if that was
supported out of the box providing a friendly API for the developer.
Offline learning with the batch API:
I would love to have a limited set of algorithms so someone does not
Flink to work with another tool
for some initial dataset if he wants to. In other words, let's reach a
mature state with some basic algos merged.
There is a lot of work pending let's not waste it.
Low-latency prediction serving
Model serving is a long standing problem, we could definitely help with
On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 4:08 PM, Till Rohrmann <trohrm...@apache.org>
Thanks Theo for steering Flink's ML effort here :-)
I'd vote to concentrate on
- Online learning
- Low-latency prediction serving
because of the following reasons:
Online learning:
I agree that this topic is highly researchy and it's not even clear
it will ever be of any interest outside of academia. However, it was
same for other things as well. Adoption in industry is usually slow and
sometimes one has to dare to explore something new.
Low-latency prediction serving:
Flink with its streaming engine seems to be the natural fit for such a
and it is a rather low hanging fruit. Furthermore, I think that users
directly benefit from such a feature.
Offline learning with Streaming API:
I'm not fully convinced yet that the streaming API is powerful enough
(mainly due to lack of proper iteration support and spilling
to support a wide range of offline ML algorithms. And if then it will
support rather small problem sizes because streaming cannot gracefully
spill the data to disk. There are still to many open issues with the
streaming API to be applicable for this use case imo.
Offline learning with the batch API:
For offline learning the batch API is imo still better suited than the
streaming API. I think it will only make sense to port the algorithms
the streaming API once batch and streaming are properly unified. Alone
highly efficient implementations for joining and sorting of data which
go out of memory are important to support big sized ML problems. In
general, I think it might make sense to offer a basic set of ML
However, already offering this basic set is a considerable amount of
Concering the independent organization for the development: I think it
would be great if the development could still happen under the umbrella
Flink's ML library because otherwise we might risk some kind of
fragmentation. In order for people to collaborate, one can also open
against a branch of a forked repo.
I'm currently working on wrapping the project re-organization
up. The general position was that it would be best to have an
build and keep everything in the same repo. If this is not possible
want to look into creating a sub repository for the libraries (maybe
components will follow later). I hope to make some progress on this
in the next couple of days/week. I'll keep you updated.
As a general remark for the discussions on the google doc. I think it
be great if we could at least mirror the discussions happening in the
google doc back on the mailing list or ideally conduct the discussions
directly on the mailing list. That's at least what the ASF encourages.
On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 10:52 AM, Gábor Hermann <m...@gaborhermann.com
Hey all,
Sorry for the bit late response.
I'd like to work on
- Offline learning with Streaming API
- Low-latency prediction serving
I would drop the batch API ML because of past experience with lack of
support, and online learning because the lack of use-cases.
I completely agree with Kate that offline learning should be
but given Flink's resources I prefer using the streaming API as
suggested. Also, full model lifecycle (or end-to-end ML) could be
easily supported in one system (one API). Connecting Flink Batch with
Streaming is currently cumbersome (although side inputs [1] might
my opinion, a crucial part of end-to-end ML is low-latency
As another direction, we could integrate Flink Streaming API with
projects (such as Prediction IO). However, I believe it's better to
evaluate the capabilities and drawbacks of the streaming API with
prototype of using Flink Streaming for some ML task. Otherwise we
into critical issues just as the System ML integration with e.g.
These issues makes the integration of Batch API with other ML
practically infeasible.
I've already been experimenting with offline learning with the
API. Hopefully, I can share some initial performance results next
matrix factorization. Naturally, I've run into issues. E.g. I could
mark the end of input with some hacks, because this is not needed at
streaming job consuming input forever. AFAIK, this would be resolved
side inputs [1].
+1 for doing the prototype project(s) separately the main Flink
repository. Although, I would strongly suggest to follow Flink
guidelines as closely as possible. As another note, there is already
GitHub organization for Flink related projects [2], but it seems like
has not been used much.
[1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-17+
[2] https://github.com/project-flink
On 2017-03-04 08:44, Roberto Bentivoglio wrote:
Hi All,
I'd like to start working on:
- Offline learning with Streaming API
- Online learning
I think also that using a new organisation on github, as Theodore
to keep an initial indipendency to speed up the prototyping and
phases it's really interesting.
I totally agree with Katherin, we need offline learning, but my
that it will be more straightforward to fix the streaming issues
issues because we will have more support on that by the Flink
Thanks and have a nice weekend,
On 3 March 2017 at 20:20, amir bahmanyari
Great points to start: - Online learning
- Offline learning with the streaming API
Thanks + have a great weekend.
From: Katherin Eri <katherinm...@gmail.com>
To: dev@flink.apache.org
Sent: Friday, March 3, 2017 7:41 AM
Subject: Re: Machine Learning on Flink - Next steps
Thank you, Theodore.
Shortly speaking I vote for:
1) Online learning
2) Low-latency prediction serving -> Offline learning with the
In details:
1) If streaming is strong side of Flink lets use it, and try to
some online learning or light weight inmemory learning algorithms.
build pipeline for them.
2) I think that Flink should be part of production ecosystem, and
productions require ML support, multiple models deployment and so
should serve this. But in my opinion we shouldn’t compete with such
projects like PredictionIO, but serve them, to be an execution
that means a lot:
a. Offline training should be supported, because typically most of
are for offline training.
b. Model lifecycle should be supported:
ETL+transformation+training+scoring+exploitation quality
I understand that batch world is full of competitors, but for me
doesn’t mean that batch should be ignored. I think that separated
streaming/batching applications causes additional deployment and
exploitation overhead which typically tried to be avoided. That
we should attract community to this problem in my opinion.
пт, 3 мар. 2017 г. в 15:34, Theodore Vasiloudis <
Hello all,
From our previous discussion started by Stavros, we decided to
start a
planning document [1]
to figure out possible next steps for ML on Flink.
Our concerns where mainly ensuring active development while
needs of
the community.
We have listed a number of proposals for future work in the
short they are:
- Offline learning with the batch API
- Online learning
- Offline learning with the streaming API
- Low-latency prediction serving
I saw there is a number of people willing to work on ML for Flink,
truth is that we cannot
cover all of these suggestions without fragmenting the development
So my recommendation is to pick out 2 of these options, create
documents and build prototypes for each library.
We can then assess their viability and together with the community
if we should try
to include one (or both) of them in the main Flink distribution.
So I invite people to express their opinion about which task they
willing to contribute
and hopefully we can settle on two of these options.
Once that is done we can decide how we do the actual work. Since
highly experimental
I would suggest we work on repositories where we have complete
For that purpose I have created an organization [2] on Github which
use to create repositories and teams that work on them in an
Once enough work has accumulated we can start discussing
to the main distribution.
[2] https://github.com/flinkml
*Yours faithfully, *
*Kate Eri.*