Hi, I have implemented a Flink InputFormat interface related to my datasource. It have our own data type as *Record*. So my class seems as follows,
public class DASInputFormat implements InputFormat<Record,DASInputSplit> { } So when I executed the print() method, my console shows the Flink execution, but nothing will print. So how can I read/print available records in my datasource table. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ExecutionEnvironment environment = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment(); DASInputFormat dasInputFormat = new DASInputFormat(1, "SAMPLETABLE1",2, null, Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE,0, -1); DataSet<Record> dasRecords = environment.createInput(dasInputFormat); dasRecords.print(); Thanks, Pawan -- *Pawan Gunaratne* *Mob: +94 770373556*