Hi Gyula, Jinkui Shi,
Thanks for your thoughts!
@Gyula: I'll try and explain a bit more detail.
The API could be almost like the QueryableState's. It could be
higher-level though: returning Java objects instead of serialized data
(because there would not be issues with class loading). Also, it could
support setKvState (see my 5. point). This could lead to both a
potential performance improvements and easier usage (see my points 2.
and 3.).
A use-case could be anything where we'd use an external KV-store.
For instance we are updating user states based on another user state, so
in the map function we do a query (in pseudo-ish Scala code):
users.keyBy(0).flatMapWithState { (userEvent, collector) =>
val thisUser: UserState = state.get()
val otherUser: Future[UserState] =
qsClient.getKvState("users", userEvent.otherUserId)
otherUser.onSuccess { case otherUserState =>
state.update(someFunc1(thisUser, otherUserState))
collector.collect(someFunc2(thisUser, otherUserState))
Another example could be (online) distributed matrix factorization,
where the two factor matrices are represented by distributed states. One
is updated by querying the other (with getKvState), and computing some
function (i.e. SGD), while the other is updated at the same place (with
I see the motivation behind the QueryableState as a way to make further
use of the KV-store we practically have at stateful operators (but
please correct me if I'm wrong). I think we could make even more use of
if the KV-store is used inside the same job.
1) Order and timeliness
As you've mentioned it's hard to guarantee any ordering when working
with two states on possibly distinct machines. This could bring us to
distributed transaction processing, what's a complex topic in itself. I
can imagine using watermarks and keeping different state versions to
only allow querying state from the past, and not from the future. For
now, let's just assume that order does not matter.
2) Fault-tolerance
There might be other things we could do, but there are two simple
guarantees that we can surely provide. First, by using the current
QueryableState the task could fail with incomplete futures. If the
records producing those futures are received before the previous
checkpoint barrier, those updates will be completely lost. We could
solve this by wait for the futures to complete before starting a
checkpoint, thus providing exactly-once guarantees. This would ensure
that, although the UDF has side-effects, every record has its effect
exactly-once. I don't see a good way to provide this guarantee with the
current QueryableState. Second, we can guarantee that the query will
eventually succeed (or else the whole topology would fail).
3) Optimizations
I've also got two examples for optimizations. First, we can do a
best-effort to co-locate the two stateful operators to save on network
overhead. The user could try to co-locate the querying machines when
externally querying the state, but could not move the machines with the
state being queried. Second, we could provide a user-interface for
(loose) guarantees on the latency of sending and returning queries, just
like setting the buffer timeout.
4) Concurrent reading/writing
Key-value states and collectors might be accessed concurrently. While
the user could use locks, we the system handle this instead of the user.
E.g. using a thread-safe collector whenever we see internal KV-state
query registered at the UDF.
5) setKvState
We could not give exactly-once guarantees if we allowed external queries
to modify the state. When a Flink topology fails and restarts the
modifications coming from the outside would not be replayed. However, we
can simply give exactly-once guarantees if the modifications are done
inside (set aside ordering), as the records would be replayed if the
modification failed.
I believe it would not take much effort to do these improvements.
Although, it would affect the runtime (integration with FT), and it
might not be worth working towards these goals. What do you think about
It's also worth considering that the same use-cases could be similarly
done with the iteration/loops API, but in a bit less natural way,
imitating two-direction communication.
Should we move this discussion to a JIRA issue, to avoid flooding the
mailing list?
@Jinkui Shi:
1. I think we should definitely support a flexible update strategy. I.e.
allow to choose between sync, async and bounded-delay.
2. I really like your idea of using PS externally and connecting to it
with a source and a sink. Fault-tolerance could be also be achieved by
versioning at the PS and resending older parameters if the Flink job
fails (i.e. making PS a durable source). Although, the question is then
how to implement the PS? Do you think we could use the implementations
you've mentioned?
3. Good idea. It's been just proposed to support GPU calculations in
Flink [1]. Fortunately, that seems orthogonal to our problem: if there's
a PS, we can later include GPU calculations.
My main question remains: whether there's a need for an integrated PS or
not. It would not fit into the current project structure (neither in ML
nor in Streaming), so I guess the only direction is to build on top of
the streaming API and use an external service just as you've proposed.
[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-5782
On 2017-02-13 04:10, Jinkui Shi wrote:
hi,Gábor Hermann
The online parameter server is a good proposal.
PS’ paper [1] have a early implement [2], and now it’s mxnet [3].
I have some thought about online PS in Flink:
1. Whether support flexible and configurable update strategy?
For example, in one iteration, computing serval times updating once or
update every time of iteration.
2. Whether we implement is fully based on the DAG, having not too much
modify the runtime and core?
- The parameter server is the Source with distributed parameter
data, called PS.
- The worker nodes are the DAG except the Source. That is some ML
arithmetic implemented using Flink API.
- Multiple layer computing’s result flow to the Sink operator
- Sink can feedback to the Source for next iteration
- Atomic tuning the busy operator, increase/decrease the compute
resource(the max parallelism) of the runtime operators.
3. Atomically detect GPU supporting provided by Mesos, and use it if
enable configuration of using GPU.
[1] https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~muli/file/ps.pdf
[2] https://github.com/dmlc/parameter_server
[3] https://github.com/dmlc/mxnet <https://github.com/dmlc/mxnet>
On Feb 12, 2017, at 00:54, Gyula Fóra <gyf...@apache.org> wrote:
Hi Gábor,
I think the general idea is very nice, but it would nice to see clearer
what benefit does this bring from the developers perspective. Maybe rough
API sketch and 1-2 examples.
I am wondering what sort of consistency guarantees do you imagine for such
operations, or why the fault tolerance is even relevant. Are you thinking
about an asynchronous API such as querying the state for another key might
give you a Future that is guaranteed to complete eventually.
It seems to be hard to guarantee the timeliness (order) of these operations
with respect to the updates made to the states, so I wonder if there is
benefit of doing this compared to using the Queryable state interface. Is
this only a potential performance improvement or is it easier to work with
Gábor Hermann <m...@gaborhermann.com> ezt írta (időpont: 2017. febr. 10.,
P, 16:01):
Hi all,
TL;DR: Is it worth to implement a special QueryableState for querying
state from another part of a Flink streaming job and aligning it with
fault tolerance?
I've been thinking about implementing a Parameter Server with/within
Flink. A Parameter Server is basically a specialized key-value store
optimized for training distributed machine learning models. So not only
the training data, but also the model is distributed. Range queries are
typical, and usually vectors and matrices are stored as values.
More generally, an integrated key-value store might also be useful in
the Streaming API. Although external key-value stores can be used inside
UDFs for the same purpose, aligning them with the fault tolerance
mechanism of Flink could be hard. What if state distributed by a key (in
the current Streaming API) could be queried from another operator? Much
like QueryableState, but querying *inside* the Flink job. We could make
use of the fact that state has been queried from inside to optimize
communication and integrate fault tolerance.
The question is whether the Flink community would like such feature, and
if so how to do it?
I could elaborate my ideas if needed, and I'm happy to create a design
doc, but before that, I'd like to know what you all think about this.
Also, I don't know if I'm missing something, so please correct me. Here
are some quick notes regarding the integrated KV-store:
- It could allow easier implementation of more complicated use-cases.
E.g. updating users preferences simultaneously based on each others
preferences when events happen between them such as making a connection,
liking each other posts, or going to the same concert. User preferences
are distributed as a state, an event about user A liking user B gets
sent to A's state and queries the state of B, then updates the state of
B. There have been questions on the user mailing list for similar
problems [1].
- Integration with fault tolerance. User does not have to maintain two
systems consistently.
- Optimization potentials. At the social network example maybe other
users on the same partitions with user A need the state of user B, so we
don't have to send around user B twice.
- Could specialize to a Parameter Server for simple (and efficient)
implementation of (possibly online) machine learning. E.g. sparse
logistic regression, LDA, matrix factorization for recommendation systems.
- Lot of development effort.
- "Client-server" architecture goes against the DAG dataflow model.
Two approaches for the implementation in the streaming API:
1) An easy way to implement this is to use iterations (or the proposed
loops API). We can achieve two-way communication by two operators in a
loop: a worker (W) and a Parameter Server (PS), see the diagram [2]. (An
additional nested loop in the PS could add replication opportunities).
Then we would get fault tolerance "for free" by the work of Paris [3].
It would also be on top of the Streaming API, with no effect on the
2) A problem with the loop approach is that coordination between PS
nodes and worker nodes can only be done on the data stream. We could not
really use e.g. Akka for async coordination. A harder but more flexible
way is to use lower-level interfaces of Flink and touch the runtime.
Then we would have to take care of fault tolerance too.
(As a side note: in the batch API generalizing delta iterations could be
a solution for Parameter Server [4].)
Thanks for any feedback :)
[2] https://i.imgur.com/GsliUIh.png
[3] https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/1668