Hi Haohui,

the Flink community started about a year ago to port its Table API on top
of Apache Calcite and finalized the integration in June.
Now, Calcite is the central component of Flink's relational APIs. Flink
features SQL and the Table API, a language-integrated query (LINQ) API.
Both APIs are translated into a common logical representation, optimized by
Calcite and executed on Flink's DataStream or DataSet APIs depending on
stream or batch mode.
The translation of the Table API and SQL and how Calcite is used is
discussed in this blog post [1] and this presentation [2].

The streaming SQL part is currently limited to simple selections,
projections, and table function joins. The Table API features grouped
window aggregates in addition.
We have written a design document for our future Stream SQL efforts [3].
The design is based on the concept of dynamic tables which are derived from
streams using the stream-table duality. Dynamic tables are queried with
regular (batch) SQL and can be converted back into streams or persisted as
materialized views (either internally or in external kv-stores like
Cassandra or HBase).

The Table and SQL APIs have received a lot of contributions from many
different people and are very actively developed.
The Flink community is happy about everybody who wants to contribute and
extend and improve Flink's relational API.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Cheers, Fabian

[1] http://flink.apache.org/news/2016/05/24/stream-sql.html

2016-12-20 5:27 GMT+01:00 Haohui Mai <ricet...@gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> We are currently exploring on building a streaming SQL solution on top of
> Flink. We think that Flink is a good fit for the problem.
> I'm curious about what is the status on the Flink-Calcite integration right
> now? Is it being actively developed and on the road map?
> We are also very open to contribute back if it aligns with the interests
> from  the community.
> Your answers are appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Haohui

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