Hi Flink Devs, I have an operator that implements both OneInputStreamOperator and AbstractStreamOperator, and I would like to preserve its state.
I started by having it implement CheckpointedAsynchronously like my other stateful functions, but this didn't work(in the flink UI under the checkpoint tab, this function doesn't show anything, where the others do. Is this because its a lower level operator, and not a function?). Also functionally, the state did not seem to be preserved in my dataflow. Where can I go from here? Should I implement StreamTaskState snapshotOperatorState(long checkpointId, long timestamp) throws Exception; and void restoreState(StreamTaskState state) throws Exception; defined in StreamOperator I tried doing this, but the semantics of these methods were a little confusing, and when I implemented it I started getting null pointer exceptions in restoreState. Also the amount of stuff I had to do seemed like it was more than when implementing CheckpointedAsynchronously Is there an example of how to implement a low level operator with checkpointing? Any help would be appreciated, Thanks! Dan