Thank you for offering your support, I'm excited to dig in! I have some work to do getting up to speed on the windowing internals. And I still need to get my bearing on the Evictor changes, I plan to read through the list archive and documents today. Vishnu, are your changes already publicly viewable?
Regarding the window modifications in FLIP-2, I see Vishnu that you've suggested an interface for the EvictorContext object, and Aljoscha, you suggested an abstract Context class. Does it make sense for them to agree? The other big difference I've seen in the signatures is wheter the Window is contained in the context or not. Have you considered modifying the signature of the methods to accept `<C extends Context>` or `<EC extends EvictorContext>`? At least in terms of FLIP-2, this would allow each process window function to define and work with its own context (without downcasting, anyway), and similarly in the future, there'd be less work in changing Context subclasses when new abstract methods are added to Context. But I may be getting ahead of myself. Could you point me towards where contexts are/would be created? I'm not clear on the ownership and lifecycle of these objects yet.