Hi Folks, first off, sorry for forgetting about this last week, but here goes the update for this week:
- Stefan and I are still working on making https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-3755 a reality. This time we're confident that we're merging it either today or tomorrow. For the rest of the week we'll work on also getting non-keyed state repartitionable, i.e. mostly the stuff in this FLIP: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-8%3A+Rescalable+Non-Partitioned+State. I'm also working with Kostas on getting the Trigger DSL changes in and on some other stuff that has long-open PRs, for example the Bucketing Sink PR by Josh (just merged that this morning) and some more fixes related to the Rolling Sink/Bucketing Sink. Happy coding :-) Cheers, Aljoscha P.S. This is the contents of the original mail, in case anyone forgot or is new to the lists: I just had an idea that I want to try now. The idea is to give little HEADS-UP emails roughly at the beginning of each week. I would give a very short summary of the big points that I want to work on for that week and if others want to jump in they can also quickly outline what they are doing. The reason I'm proposing this is that it can be hard to follow what is going on in Flink. One could try and follow all the Jira issues and see who is assigned to what but that would only give a rough indication. Currently, people are working away on a new feature, sometimes for several weeks, until they make a big code drop in a PR. I though it would be nice to know roughly who's doing what. This would also give people the opportunity to get involved in something if they find it interesting. If people find this interesting I'll try and do this every week from now on.