Hi, I would like to start a discussion regarding the streaming connectors in Flink. Currently, there are 12 connectors in the main repository, 4 more are pending as pull requests (rethinkdb, kafka 0.10, ActiveMQ, HBase), and there were some more discussed on the mailing list / JIRA / pull requests. Recently, I started rejecting some new connector contributions because I didn't see enough demand by our users and not enough capacity among the committers to maintain all connectors. Instead of just rejecting contributions, I would like to come up with a solution that works for contributors and the Flink community. Ideally, the solution should be documented in the contribution guidelines so that it is transparent for new contributors.
Some ideas what we could do with new connector contributions: #1 (current approach) Let the contributor host the connector in their own GitHub repository, and link to the repo from the Flink 3rd party packages page [1]. #2 Redirect the contribution to Apache Bahir. A recently created Apache project out of Apache Spark, to host some of their streaming connectors. #3 Use the "flink-connectors" git repository at apache [2]. For more details, also check out the thread titled "Externalizing the Flink connectors". #4 Use the "project-flink" [3] GitHub account. I would like to hear your opinion on the problem in general and the approaches I've suggested. I personally like #1 and #2, because they should have pretty low overhead on the infrastructure-side for us (maven files, releases, CI / tests ...). For #2, we would probably first start a discussion with the Bahir community to see whether such contributions are in the scope of their project. #3 is too much overhead for us, in my opinion, and #4 doesn't seem to have an obvious advantage over #1. Regards, Robert [1] http://flink.apache.org/community.html#third-party-packages [2] https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf?p=flink-connectors.git [3] https://github.com/project-flink