
I have the following use case:

    1. Group by a specific field.

    2. Get a list of all messages belonging to the group.

    3. Count the number of records in the group.

With the use of DataSets, it is fairly easy to do this (see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38745446/apache-flink-sum-and-keep-grouped/38747685#38747685):

|fromElements(("a-b", "data1", 1), ("a-c", "data2", 1), ("a-b", "data3", 1)). groupBy(0). reduceGroup { (it: Iterator[(String, String, Int)], out: Collector[(String, List[String], Int)]) => { val group = it.toList if (group.length > 0) out.collect((group(0)._1, group.map(_._2), group.map(_._3).sum)) } |

So, now I am moving to DataStreams (since the input is really a DataStream). From my perspective, a Window should provide the same functionality as a DataSet. This would easify the process a lot:

    1. Window the elements.

    2. Apply the same operations as before.

Is there a way in Flink to do so? Otherwise, I would like to think of a solution to this problem.


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