Hi, what we are doing in most internal tests is to verify in a sink whether the data is correct and then throw a SuccessException. This brings down the job and we check whether we catch a SuccessException to verify that the test was successful. Look, for example, at the ValidatingSink in EventTimeWindowCheckpointingITCase in the Flink source.
Cheers, Aljoscha On Thu, 26 May 2016 at 01:58 Nick Dimiduk <ndimi...@gmail.com> wrote: > I'm also curious for a solution here. My test code executes the flow from a > separate thread. Once i've joined on all my producer threads and I've > verified the output, I simply interrupt the flow thread. This spews > exceptions, but it all appears to be harmless. > > Maybe there's a better way? I think you'd need some "death pill" to send > into the stream that signals its termination. > > On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 7:29 PM, Vinay Patil <vinay18.pa...@gmail.com> > wrote: > > > Hi, > > > > I am able to read from a topic using FlinkKafkaConsumer and return the > > result, however when I am testing this scenario in Junit the result is > > getting printed(kafkaStream.print()) but I am not able to exit the Job, > > env.execute keeps running, > > I tried to return env.execute from method but that did not work either. > > > > 1) Is there any way to end the execution of job forcefully. > > 2) How do I test if the data has come from topic > > > > - One way I think of is to get the output of stream.print() in a > > PrintStream and check the result.(but not able to test this since job > is > > not getting exited) > > > > Please help with these issues > > > > Regards, > > Vinay Patil > > >