Hi everyone,

Asterios told me that you in the meantime might already have started
planning/implementing incremental checkpoints and that it might be too
late for me to chose it as a topic for my diploma thesis. Is that the
case? If yes, is there a similar topic that I could work on?


On 21.12.2015 13:04, Paris Carbone wrote:
> Hi Marius,
> This is a pretty good and quite challenging topic for a thesis! Your thoughts 
> are pretty much aligned with strategies that we have discussed in the past.
> There are some initial steps in the makings towards that direction. For 
> example, Aljoscha proposed specialized operator state (KVState) types earlier 
> this month (e.g. Maps, Lists) that can potentially support incremental 
> snapshotting.  I think that the incremental snapshotting strategy fits pretty 
> well with mutable backend storages (e.g. sql databases, kv stores etc). From 
> a quick look, option I is close to what most of us have in mind I guess. The 
> second option is quite tricky since it is not always possible to define what 
> a “diff” is.
> If you want to get a more strict overview of how the snapshotting mechanism 
> works you can take a look at the arXiv paper [1] we submitted earlier this 
> year, but also blogs, docs [2,3] and technical presentations [4] on that 
> subject.
> In case you decide to go for this topic it will be good to check the 
> implementation of the current state coordination and sync with us on what is 
> the best way to proceed. The CheckpointCoordinator is a good starting point 
> [5]. I would also be happy to co-supervise you or direct you if you want!
> cheers
> Paris
> [1] http://arxiv.org/abs/1506.08603
> [2] 
> https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-master/internals/stream_checkpointing.html
> [3] 
> http://data-artisans.com/high-throughput-low-latency-and-exactly-once-stream-processing-with-apache-flink/
> [4] 
> http://www.slideshare.net/ParisCarbone/tech-talk-google-on-flink-fault-tolerance-and-ha
> [5] 
> https://github.com/apache/flink/blob/55fd5f32d7ef0292a01192ab08456fae49b91791/flink-runtime/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/runtime/checkpoint/CheckpointCoordinator.java
> On 19 Dec 2015, at 17:04, Marius Melzer 
> <mar...@rasumi.net<mailto:mar...@rasumi.net>> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> in order to look for a subject for my diploma thesis, I was at the Flink
> Forward conference in October. I talked to Aljoscha and some others
> there and after the Fault Tolerance talk on day 2 I arrived at the idea
> that an incremental checkpointing of the state of a process when a
> barrier arrives would probably be a nice feature for Flink and a good
> topic for my thesis. This would espescially be interesting for very
> large, e.g. key-value based, states that are necessary for scenarios
> like decentralised material views ([1], [2]). Independently, Asterios
> from the TU Berlin suggested to me the same topic when I met him. This
> is nothing new, e.g. Apache Samza does incremental backup of internal
> state as well by writing every change to a special Kafka topic from
> which it can be restored when something fails. The approach for Flink
> would rather be an adaption of the current checkpointing mechanism.
> So my main questions are:
> * would incremental checkpoints be an appreciated change and do you
> think it would fit a diploma thesis by the effort that's necessary?
> * is there already someone working in this area?
> I already put some initial thoughts into how it might be possible to
> achieve the goal:
> How to checkpoint:
> (I) Memorize which changes have been made after last checkpoint
>  - Pro: Lightweight solution, since only the things that changed need
> to be compressed and transfered
>  - Contra: You would want to support this not only for each "state
> variable" but also inside them, e.g. for lists, key-value structures,
> everything. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be the possibility to
> observe changes made on plain java collections or objects in general (or
> is there?). So you would need to use a different collection library or a
> wrapper around the existing java standard ones.
>  - I could imagine the checkpointing somehow like this:
>    (1) The programmer of the transformation (with state) uses for the
> OperatorState a (wrapped) collection/other type that implements a
> certain interface (e.g. "IncrementallyCheckpointed") that demands
> something like a changesSinceLastCheckpoint() function
>    (2) The flink runtime would check if the state is implementing
> IncrementallyCheckpointed and if yes, calls the
> changesSinceLastCheckpoint() function.
>    (3) There would be the need to differentiate between "regular/full"
> checkpoints of a state and "incremental" ones when transferring the
> checkpoint to the backup/checkpoint server.
> (II) Keep last state and make a diff (preferably with the already
> serialised checkpoint):
>  - Pro: Much easier solution, doesn't need wrapping or adapting of
> collections or other types, very general approach, the transferred data
> shouldn't be more than in case (I) - maybe in some cases even less
>  - Contra: Would usually almost double the memory needs of the
> transformation, for large collections this would also mean quite some
> processing effort for computing the diff
> (III?) Is there another kind of approach you could imagine?
> Which parts need change:
>  - The checkpointing of the transformation state (but not the restoring
> of the state, this stays the same)
>  - The protocol of how to transfer the checkpoints needs at least meta
> data (full/normal checkpoint vs. incremental)
>  - The checkpoint server needs to be able to update its current state
> from the diffs/changes it receives
> I would really appreciate help and assessment of these ideas and the
> general subject. Also, if someone could give me a quick overview over
> the details of the current checkpointing (and which parts of the code
> are worth exploring), I'd be happy about that too!
> Thanks in advance,
> Marius

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