This did the trick, thanks. I am able to run the streaming examples
after invalidating caches, restarting and rebuild project.
BTW I see a message that says 100 errors during compilation. Is that to
be expected?
On 2/26/16 4:02 AM, Till Rohrmann wrote:
I just tested executing a streaming example on the current master and
everything worked. Can you try clearing the IntelliJ cache and rebuild the
On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 5:13 PM, Tara Athan <> wrote:
Hi, I am just exploring Flink, and have run into a curious issue. I have
cloned from github, checked out the release-1.0.0-rc1 branch, and built
from command line - no errors. I am using IntelliJ. I first tried running
some of the batch examples, and those run fine. Then I tried stream
examples (flink-examples-streaming, e.g. java/WordCount or
scala/WindowJoin), and I get this error:
35) object completeness is not a member of package
import org.apache.flink.api.scala.completeness.ScalaAPICompletenessTestBase
It is the same on every streaming example. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks, Tara