You probably need to calculate the throughput yourself at this point, from
accumulated number of records. You can periodically poll the following URLs

 - /jobs/<jobid> : This gives you the aggregate number of records / bytes
per JobVertex
 - /jobs/<jobid>/vertices/<vertexid> : This gives you accumulated records /
bytes for subtasks

There is no latency metric right now. The latency is quite tricky to
assess, in general. It needs timestamps attached at the sources and
measured at the sinks. So far, no problem, but this assumes that source and
sink clocks are quite in sync. If they are off by a few milliseconds, then
the low latencies are quite off already. We may decide to accept that
inaccuracy, or to try and correct it a bit by letting the JobManager
broadcast its clock offsets and TaskManagers offset theirs.

For experiments, we wrote special jobs where we could sample the records
that after two re-partitionings return to the same JVM, so we would not
have clock misalignment. Still thinking about good ways to have a general
purpose latency measurement mechanism.

If you have any ideas there, let me know!


On Sat, Nov 7, 2015 at 7:39 PM, Gyula Fóra <> wrote:

> Hey guys,
> I am trying to look at the throughput of my Flink Streaming job over time.
> Is there any way to extract this information from the dashboard or is it
> only possible to view the cumulative statistics at given time points.
> Also I am wondering whether there is any info about the latency in the
> metrics somewhere.
> Cheers,
> Gyula

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