Hi Daniel,

I think that you are confused about name of classes. Vector in your mail is not 
org.apache.flink.ml.math.Vector, but scala.collection.immutable.Vector which is 
immutable collection with random access.

So if you want to create a method which receives that values, you should 
clarify Vector type. You can import class with renaming like following:

import org.apache.flink.ml.math.{Vector => FlinkVector}

I hope that this answer helps you. :)

Chiwan Park

On November 3, 2015 at 6:11:03 AM, Daniel Blazevski 
(daniel.blazev...@gmail.com) wrote:


I am working on the exact knn algorithm in Flink, and I'd like to make the  
structure more modular.  

​I am working off of the initial work of @chiwanpark, and when I print out  
a variable to the screen, I get something like:  
training.values = Vector(DenseVector(-0.206, -0.276), DenseVector(-0.206,  
testing.values = Vector((0,DenseVector(0.0, 0.0)))  
How can I pass such a variable to a function. It seems that  
myFun(A : Vector(DenseVector))  
myFun(A : Vector[DenseVector])  
do not work. Tried to look around other Flink-ml code, but couldn't find  
exactly what I was looking for.  


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