1) yes. Been dancing this issue for a while. Let's pull the trigger. Did
the exercise with Tachyon while back and did help readability and
homogeneity of code.

2) +1 for Google Java style with documented exceptions and explanation on

On Tuesday, October 20, 2015, Ufuk Celebi <u...@apache.org> wrote:

> DISCLAIMER: This is not my personal idea, but a community discussion from
> some time ago. Don't kill the messenger.
> In March we were discussing issues with heterogeneity of the code [1]. The
> summary is that we had a consensus to enforce a stricter code style on our
> Java code base in order to make it easier to switch between projects and to
> have clear rules for new contributions. The main proposal in the last
> discussion was to go with Google's Java code style. Not all were fully
> satisfied with this, but still everyone agreed on some kind of style.
> I think the upcoming 0.10 release is a good point to finally go through
> with these changes (right after the release/branch-off).
> I propose to go with Google's Java code style [2] as proposed earlier.
> PROs:
> - Clear style guide available
> - Tooling like checkstyle rules, IDE plugins already available
> CONs:
> - Fully breaks our current style
> The main problem with this will be open pull requests, which will be harder
> to merge after all the changes. On the other hand, should pull requests
> that have been open for a long time block this? Most of the important
> changes will be merged for the release anyways. I think in the long run we
> will gain more than we loose by this (more homogenous code, clear rules).
> And it is questionable whether we will ever be able to do such a change in
> the future if we cannot do it now. The project will most likely grow and
> attract more contributors, at which point it will be even harder to do.
> Please make sure to answer the following points in the discussion:
> 1) Are you (still) in favour of enforcing stricter rules on the Java
> codebase?
> 2) If yes, would you be OK with the Google's Java code style?
> – Ufuk
> [1]
> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/flink-dev/201503.mbox/%3ccanc1h_von0b5omnwzxchtyzwhakeghbzvquyk7s9o2a36b8...@mail.gmail.com%3e
> [2] https://google.github.io/styleguide/javaguide.html

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