Hi, this is absolutely true. Also, a lot of tests that have several @Test methods used to (and some still are) create a new local cluster for every @Test method. At some point I moved a lot of tests to use the StreamingMultipleProgramsBase which reuses the cluster. We need to ensure that every test/ITCase does this to save time.
Cheers, Aljoscha On Sat, 19 Sep 2015 at 18:00 Stephan Ewen <se...@apache.org> wrote: > Hi! > > I just saw that all tests in the streaming API are declared as Unit tests, > even though the vast majority are integration tests (spawn mini clusters). > > That leads to problems, because the streaming test mini clusters do not > properly clean up after themselves and unit tests reuse JVMs (for speed, > they are expected to be quick). > > The streaming API is under quite some rework anyways right now, for all new > and changes tests, we need to absolutely fix this! > > Greetings, > Stephan >