Hi Sachin,

I was actually under the impression that
ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment() returns the current
environment, if one has already been created.
I don't think that creating a second one is intentional there and if that's
the case, we should change it.


On 21 August 2015 at 19:40, Sachin Goel <sachingoel0...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> I was going through the two files VertexCentricIteration and
> GatherSumApplyIteration, and noticed that when the graph is constructed
> from the edge and vertex data set, a new execution environment is passed.
> As in,
> Graph<K, VV, EV> graph =
>       Graph.fromDataSet(vertexDataSet, edgeDataSet,
> ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment());
> Graph<K, VV, EV> graph =
>       Graph.fromDataSet(initialVertices, edgesWithValue,
> ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment());
> Why is this necessary? Is there a specific reason we cannot use
> vertexDataSet.getExecutionEnvironment?
> I went through the code to figure out the reason but couldn't find
> any. Changing
> it to vertexDataSet.getExecutionEnvironment() and initialVertices
> .getExecutionEnvironment(), all the tests still pass. I've never worked
> through Gelly, so, I may have missed something.
> The reason I ask is, I'm working on something which allows sharing of job
> results across Execution Environments, and these two lines are the only
> thing which cause trouble with that. :')
> Thanks in advance
> Cheers!
> Sachin
> -- Sachin Goel
> Computer Science, IIT Delhi
> m. +91-9871457685

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