On Thursday, June 18, 2015, Robert Metzger <rmetz...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm against cancelling a release for something that is not nice ;) It has
> to be at least broken to cancel :)

See vote thread +1. This was not about canceling but clearification. ;)

> I agree that the pom looks complicated and I would love to do it better,
> but in my opinion the current approach is giving our users the best out of
> the box experience.
> The right approach of creating a Flink fat jar would be using the
> maven-shade-plugin with the Flink dependencies set to "provided". This way
> we tell the shade plugin that it can assume the core flink code to be
> available. So there is no need to package those classes into the fat-jar.
> The problem is that IntelliJ is not adding "provided" classes into the
> classpath when importing the pom. So IntelliJ users will not be able to run
> Flink jobs out of the IDE.

Ok this is too bad :(

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