These are the only format coding guidelines I'm aware of:

Some other stuff (such as space between 'if' and open parentheses) is
implicit. It seems to be common Java style and the code that we
already have follows it. I would say that the existing code is the
best style guide, although I see that it is inconsistent sometimes.

On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 9:02 AM, Matthias J. Sax
<> wrote:
> Hash: SHA512
> Hi,
> I was told that Flink follows a strict code style (eg, putting a blank 
> between 'if' and the opening parentheses). However, I could not find any 
> documentation about it. I would like to follow those rules if there are any. 
> Can you please give me a pointer (or confirm that there is nothing like this 
> or open a Jira for missing documentation -- maybe somebody can spent some 
> time on it after the release).
> Currently, I am only aware of the checkstyle plug-in that checks eg for 
> unused import statements. But this plug-in is quicker flexible and does not 
> check for minor formatting differences like blanks or newlines etc.
> - -Matthias
> Version: APG v1.1.1
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> =Hg/O

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