Hi Flink Community,

we are implementing a KMeans algorithm in the ML part of Flink, but after 
recent updates we ran into an issues with the vector to breeze converter.

We are getting the following compile error:

Error:(200, 75) ambiguous implicit values:
 both value denseVectorConverter in object BreezeVectorConverter of type => 
 and value sparseVectorConverter in object BreezeVectorConverter of type => 
 match expected type org.apache.flink.ml.math.BreezeVectorConverter[T]
            .reduce((p1, p2) => (p1._1, (p1._2.asBreeze + 
p2._2.asBreeze).fromBreeze, p1._3 + p2._3))

The code looks like this:

new FitOperation[KMeans, Vector] {
      override def fit(
        instance: KMeans,
        fitParameters: ParameterMap,
        input: DataSet[Vector])
      : Unit = {
        val resultingParameters = instance.parameters ++ fitParameters

        val centroids: DataSet[LabeledVector] = 
        val numIterations: Int = resultingParameters.get(NumIterations).get

        val finalCentroids = centroids.iterate(numIterations) { 
currentCentroids =>
          val newCentroids: DataSet[LabeledVector] = input
SelectNearestCenterMapper).withBroadcastSet(currentCentroids, CENTROIDS)
            .map(x => (x.label, x.vector, 1.0)).withForwardedFields("label->_1; 
            .groupBy(x => x._1)
            .reduce((p1, p2) => (p1._1, (p1._2.asBreeze + 
p2._2.asBreeze).fromBreeze, p1._3 + p2._3))
            .map(x => LabeledVector(x._1, (x._2.asBreeze :/ x._3).fromBreeze))


        instance.centroids = Some(finalCentroids)

We are getting this error since the commit 
It looks like the change to 
introduced this problem.

We are not that experienced with scala and don’t know how to resolve this issue.

You can have a look at the code in the pull request: 

Thanks in advance,

Florian & Co.

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