What would be the consequences on "mixed" programs? (If there is any
plan to support those?)

Would it be necessary to have a third mode? Or would those programs
simple run in streaming mode?


On 05/21/2015 03:12 PM, Stephan Ewen wrote:
> Hi all!
> We discussed a while back about introducing a dedicated streaming mode for
> Flink. I would like to take a go at this and implement the changes, but
> discuss them before.
> Here is a brief summary why we wanted to introduce the dedicated streaming
> mode:
> Even though both batch and streaming are executed by the same execution
> engine,
> a streaming setup of Flink varies a bit from a batch setup:
> 1) The streaming cluster starts an additional service to store the
> distributed state snapshots.
> 2) Streaming mode uses memory a bit different, so we should configure the
> memory manager differently. This difference may eventually go away.
> Concretely, to implement this, I was thinking about introducing the
> following externally visible changes
>  - Additional scripts "start-streaming-cluster.sh" and
> "start-streaming-local.sh"
>  - An execution mode parameter for the TaskManager ("batch / streaming")
>  - An execution mode parameter for the JobManager TaskManager ("batch /
> streaming")
>  - All local executors and mini clusters need a flag that specifies whether
> they will start
>    a streaming cluster, or a pure batch cluster.
> Anything else that comes to your minds?
> Greetings,
> Stephan

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