I'll try to make it quick this time. I think we need to make
information about the event time of an element and information about
windows in which it resides accessible to the user. A simple example
would be the aggregation of some user behaviour, for example:

in = clickSource()

analysedData = in
  .window(10 minutes).every(5 minutes)
  .filter(is something interesting)


Now the results of this window aggregation tell me that at some point,
there was some window and in this window some attribute summed up to
this. This might not be very helpful. What might be helpful is the
information that there occurred a spike in something at 12:45 on
Wednesday. Therefore, I think we need to make this information
available somehow.

I only have some rough Ideas about how this might work, but I would
first like to discuss whether others even think this necessary. So
fire away...


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