Hey all,

I've been asking myself: how can we make it as easy as possible for future
users who run into problems to find existing answers?

As an example take this answer from Stephan [1]. This is super valuable
feedback and a very specific question. Ideally, a new user who runs into
the same problem should find this answer.

I think the best way to achieve this is Stack Overflow. There are already a
couple of questions regarding Flink, but they questions are fragmented over
user@ and SO.

Robert already added a suggested tag to the website recently, but I was
wondering whether we should take this a step further and want to discuss
the following:

Should we *only* recommend SO for user questions and don't link the user
list at all?

For example, the Netty project is doing it that way. This has the advantage
that 1) there is one conveniently searchable place for user questions, and
2) all the SO pros like voting on answers, it is well known etc. On the
other hand, you can already search the ML archives with Nabble and what
about existing questions/answers?

Looking forward to get your feedback. It's also quite possible that there
is no real problem here and that I'm trying to over engineer this. Feel
free to tell me. ;-)

– Ufuk


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